Take a Stop at Shabbat on the Spot

Soft instrumental music, scented candles, and 10 minutes of rest. “Shabbat on the Spot”, a new service taking place every Tuesday from 7:40 a.m. to 7:50 a.m., offers all of this.

Students can worship in the way they’re used to, as Shabbat on the Spot, organized by campus ministry director Stephanie Pino-Dressman, is a silent time of worship with no direction. There are no electronics, no speaking, and no correct way to participate, according to Pino-Dressman.

“During Shabbat on the Spot, you can listen to God how you’re most used to – even a student who doesn’t believe in God can walk in and sit down – it’s a chance for silent community,” Pino-Dressman said. “The music is instrumental to avoid hearing the words in our head.”

While Shabbat is a Jewish term, the service is for people of any faith, or no faith at all. The term Shabbat is the weekly day of rest for Jewish people, and it is used for this weekly service to emphasize the peace and quiet in the chapel.

“On the Sabbath, Jewish people don’t work, they set aside time for prayer. Shabbat on the Spot is a connection to our Jewish brothers and sisters to take that pause and sit aside some time for prayer,” religion teacher Bonnie Haghirian said. “Shabbat on the spot is our way to honor the Jewish people – the term Shabbat reminds us that we’re connected to them.”

Shabbat on the Spot will continue throughout the year, welcoming anyone who wants to take 10 minutes to ground themselves before the day. Students are free to use the chapel any time throughout the day, but Shabbat on the spot gives students an opportunity to fully relax before the day begins.

“I hope people will come and take advantage of Shabbat on the Spot. It’s relaxing and peaceful, and I think people will like it,” religion teacher Polly Holmes said.