Graduating DeciSION

In honor of National College Decision Day, seniors wore shirts representing their college and participated in a class picnic May 1.

  • Looking ahead to college this upcoming fall, senior Kendall Rogers will attend Villanova University, senior Sophie Hewitt will attend Kansas State University and senior Brenna Richart will attend the University of Kansas.

    PHOTO | Ava Rawson
  • Seniors Emma Cruciani, Claire Lewing and Kristen Rogge pose for a picture commemorating their senior year. Cruciani will attend Wichita State University this fall, Lewing will be attending Loyola University-Chicago and Kristen Rogge is going to the University of Missouri.

    PHOTO | Ava Rawson
  • Senior Savannah Friedebach dances as the senior class celebrate College Decision Day May 1. Friedebach will attend Kansas State University this fall.

    PHOTO | Ava Rawson
  • Senior Elizabeth Ericson will be attending Loyola University-Chicago this upcoming fall.

    PHOTO | Rawson
  • Senior Maggie Carr plans to continue her education at the University of Kansas.

    PHOTO | Ava Rawson
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Seniors celebrated National College Decision Day Wed. May 1 with a picnic during their lunch period. Students met in the gym for a final class photo and filed outside for grilled hot dogs, music and pictures.

“It was really great to celebrate as a class before we all part our separate ways,” senior Sandy Nguyen said. “I’m going to miss all of my friends, but it’s exciting to see where they are heading.”

Seniors across the nation have been under pressure to make a final commitment to college before the first of the month. This is the deadline that many selective institutions require initial deposits.

“It’s a relief to finally be committed to Drake University,” senior Katie Rosasco said. “I’m sad to leave Sion and my friends, but I’m excited for a new chapter.”

Forty-eight percent of seniors are moving out of state for college, including senior Gracie Roberts, who will be attending Texas Christian Academy in the fall. She does not feel nervous about moving to a new state because she has family in Texas, Roberts said.

“I’m excited to go out of state and to be in a new environment,” Roberts said. “However, I’ve been going to Texas since third grade so I’m pretty comfortable.”

Fifty-two percent of seniors chose to stay close to home and go to college in-state. Senior Tempest Malone chose to attend St. Louis University because of its affordable in-state tuition and to hold on to a sense of home in the midst of a new experience, Malone said.  

“At first I wanted to go really far, but I realized the benefits of staying close,” Malone said. “It’s a five and a half hour train ride and it’ll be nice to still be able to visit my parents.”

Many seniors felt the pressure as college decision day approached. Senior Kaitlin Jones applied to five colleges and narrowed it down between the University of San Diego and Loyola University Chicago. A week before the college decision day deadline, Jones signed with Loyola.

“I wasn’t necessarily stressed about college decision day, but about making sure I found the right fit,” Jones said. “It’s about finding the college that’s right for you.”