Sock it to Poverty Kicks Off

The annual sock and underwear drive is in full swing and students are urged to bring in donations until Sept. 13.

PHOTO | Avery Brundige

As Sock it to Poverty kicks off, french teacher Liz Bono was among the first to set out collection bins.

Students are encouraged to bring in new socks and underwear for the annual Sock it to Poverty drive for Redemptorist Social Services beginning Aug. 26.

“I am just excited to get to help people while also getting competitive with the other maisons because that’s always fun,” student body treasurer sophomore Tess Tappan said.

Last year’s donations broke records when students brought in over 2,450 articles of clothing. The leading maisons last year were English teachers Melissa Wilcox and Catherine Cox’s maison. This year’s prizes include free Winter Formal tickets.

Infographic by Avery Brundige Last year’s top three Sock it to Poverty maison winners.

“Not that many people get hyped up about it,” Student body vice-president junior Mikayla Gunther said. “But last year my maison got free

sweatshirts for a week so if you bring in socks you could get something like that, too.”

All socks, underwear and undershirts are donated to Redemptorist Social Services Center, as these are very important and useful items to those in our community in need. Donations will be collected until Friday, Sept. 13. 

“Socks and underwear are the most needed items and the least donated,” STUCO sponsor Jennifer Brown-Howerton said. “It’s actually a city-wide event and Sion participates in that as a way to generate more support for that.”