Just My Type

The annual blood drive collected donations for the Community Blood Center.

The National Honor Society held its ninth annual blood drive Friday, Feb. 14 in the gym. Sixty-five sophomores, juniors, seniors and faculty members signed up to donate blood. Some were unable to donate because of low iron, temperature levels, personal sickness or not weighing enough. Faculty and students who were able to donate blood describe their experience in the following Q&A.

Kate Vankeirsbilck
During the blood drive hosted by National Honor Society, Feb. 14 junior Averi Myrick donates her blood in the gym to Community Blood Center.

Averi Myrick, junior

Q: What lead you to donate today?

A: Oh, Mikayla Gunther. Mikayla had told me that I had to do it because she wanted to donate and that we would do it together.

Q: Did you know your blood type before donating? If you feel comfortable sharing what is it?

A: I did not know my blood type since it was my first time donating.

Q: What were you feeling when you sat down to donate?

A: I was just nervous for the entire thing and I was really nervous I would faint.

Q: Have you donated blood before?

A: I have not donated before.

Kate Vankeirsbilck
During the annual blood drive junior Genevieve Klobe donated Feb. 14 in the gym to Community Blood Center.

Genevieve Klobe, junior

Q: What lead you to donate today?

A: I just like helping people and it is for a good cause. 

Q: Did you know your blood type before donating? If you feel comfortable sharing what is it?

A: I learned my blood type this year with the process. It is O+.

Q: What were you feeling when you sat down to donate? 

A: Surprisingly calm, but a little nervous 

Q: Have you donated blood before?

A: Yes, I have done it before. It was at last year’s blood drive.

Kate Vankeirsbilck
During the ninth annual blood drive, Feb. 14 in the gym math teacher Mac McGory donates his blood to Community Blood Center. Sixty-five students and faculty members signed up to donate blood.

Mac McGory, math teacher

Q: What lead you to donate today?

A: Nutter Butters, what else.

Q: Did you know your blood type before donating? If you feel comfortable sharing what is it?

A: Yes, my blood type is A-.

Q: What were you feeling when you sat down to donate?

A: I am thinking about Nutter Butters. I’m telling you that is the whole point.

Q: Have you donated blood before?

A: A few gallons.

Kate Vankeirsbilck
During National Honor Society’s annual blood drive Feb. 14 in the gym principal Natalie McDonough donated blood to Community Blood Center.

Natalie McDonough, principal

Q: What lead you to donate today?

A: I give blood because I know they need it a lot since I am the universal donor and they can give the blood to the preemie babies. I feel like this the one free thing you can do to save a life.

Q: Did you know your blood type before donating? If you feel comfortable sharing what is it?

A: Yes, O-.

Q: What were you feeling when you sat down to donate?

A: I am pretty calm because I have given blood many times. I have donated at school and at the blood center. 

Q: Have you donated blood before?

A: Yes, for years and years.