Virtual Fine Arts Day

Fine Arts Day was hosted virtually due to COVID-19.

PHOTO | Screenshot from Fine Arts Day Zoom Performances

Junior Sharon Kramschuster performed via Zoom at this year’s Fine Arts Day April 29. Due to COVID-19, the event switched to a virtual format, emceed by visual and performing arts teacher Maggie Killian.

Students, faculty and staff joined the first virtual Fine Arts Day through Zoom Wednesday, April 29. 

From performances by Grande Choeur and Tri-M to slideshows from Photography class and DIVA, 125 Sion community members joined the Zoom call. Maggie Killian, Visual and Performing Arts teacher, emceed the event. The event lasted from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. during the lunch break for students.

The planning has been in the works for about three weeks, but the major work happened in the last week, especially between Friday and this morning,” Killian said. “I’m sure Ms. Selle spent hours upon hours formatting and adding every pic she could find to the slide show so it all looked consistent and no groups were left out.”

With the chat box open and the Google Slides presentation going, the Sion community gathered to appreciate the fine arts department and enjoy a break from online classes. Students in Poetry Out Loud club, like sophomore Olivia Mancina, each performed an original piece they’ve created while in quarantine.

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Today, April 30, was Fine Arts Day. Students submitted videos of their artistic talents to be celebrated on a Zoom call.

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I was thinking about writing about the ‘benefits’ of COVID and how there is less pollution because people aren’t contributing as much to pollution through factories or are staying inside more and litter less, until I saw a post on Instagram about eco-fascism,” Mancina said, “which I didn’t know very much about but made me realize that we are looking at the fact that there is less pollution but not at the fact that it is because of lost lives.”

Catherine Crayon
Annabelle Miller’s charcoal painting, named “Breaking Free” was presented at the virtual Fine Arts day on April 29.

Many group performances, like Drama club and Drumline, were recorded through zoom while visual art was added by submission. Even a couple of scenes from the spring play, “A Midsummer Night’s Dream,” which was canceled, were performed by the cast.

I think the play scenes went well, considering we had to change the lines ourselves and put it all together virtually,” junior Kathryn Sade said. “It was a lot of fun and I’m glad everyone enjoyed it.”

With more than 100 attendees, Killian deemed the first virtual Fine Arts Day a success.

My favorite part of being emcee was getting a chance to savor everyone’s performances and growth. I have been at Sion for three years, so I have had the chance to get to see students grow and explore in the arts,” Killian said. “And I guess I don’t mind being a goofball in front of my computer either.”