Upcoming Musical Undergoes New Adjustments

This year’s musical, the Theory of Relativity, is set to happen with a few changes.

PHOTO | Lauren Shaw

Sophomore Addie Hiestand performs “We’re Not Done” from “Bring it On: The Musical.” “I think the audition went well and I saw a lot of talent in my group,” Hiestand said.


Auditions were held on Oct. 20-21 after school in the music room for the annual musical “The Theory of Relativity.”

The musical chosen is a socially distant-friendly “concert style”, where there is no main set or choreography. The cast will stand in a choir formation 10 feet apart with no one leaving their designated spot. Characters will never directly interact with each other. Instead, individual solos will mainly tell the story. 

“The singing is even further distanced than the normal performance so we will be at least 10 feet apart,” Music and Performing Arts Director Elizabeth Mulkey said. 

Even though the event itself is still arranged to happen, there had to be space allowed for a different approach from COVID-19.  Due to Rockhurst’s Rose Theater being prohibited to outside guests, the musical will take place in the gym on Jan. 15-17. Since the gym has a lower seating capacity now, a live stream option will be available for outside viewers who could not receive a ticket.

Freshman Caroline Hammett rehearses prior to her audition. (Lauren Shaw)

“I think they have done a really good job of working hard to make sure we can still do a musical instead of canceling,” freshman auditionee Caroline Hammett said. 

The limited space onstage and new musical style meant that cuts will happen at auditions this year. Students who wished to audition were able to sing a short song in front of peers in the music room, with one exception. Since she attends school online, junior Olivia Mancina chose to submit her audition via video, the only auditionee to do so. 

“I’m so excited to see the new changes to the musical,” Mancina said. “I feel practices will be a lot safer because we can be distanced and work a bit more one-on-one so I think the changes are really nice and it will be super fun.”