The Show Must Go On

Her Majesty’s Theatre is a fall concert blend between visual and performing arts that includes the choir, poetry readings, and artwork displays.

Senior Maddie Mills presents her speech during Her Majesty’s Theatre.

Her Majesty’s Theatre, a combination of the fall choir concert, poetry readings, and artwork on display, took place in the gym on Thursday, Dec. 10 at 7 p.m. This diverse production is led by music and performing arts director Elizabeth Mulkey and visual arts teacher Penny Selle. Those who chose to participate in this event could be involved in the school choir, participate in other performing arts productions, or are involved with neither and chose to submit their poetry or art of their own. Sophomore Megan Kelley participated in Her Majesty’s Theatre for the first time this year, since it was canceled because of COVID-19 last year. 

The choir concluded the show by singing the school song. (Liv Zender)

“I enjoyed the pieces of music we played,” Kelley said. “My biggest takeaway from the experience is that once one group finished performing the other groups immediately clapped for the performance.” 

Even with restrictions due to COVID-19 Mulkey, Selle, and all students involved were determined that the show would go on. However, some changes and precautions were necessary. It is stated by the CDC that social distancing should be extended from 6 feet to 10 feet when singing. Therefore all choir singers were required to be spread out along the gym floor. Also, due to an outbreak of cases in early November, all audience members streamed the show online, through a website called Vimeo. Mulkey says that all necessary precautions taken were not ideal, however very worth it. Sophomore Ellie Meredith thinks that the most difficult precaution to cope with was every choir member needing their own microphone. 

“The hardest precaution was most definitely the personal microphones,” Meredith said. “First we had to figure out who’s mics was which and and then make sure they worked correctly, and we had to do a ton of tests to get everyone’s volume just right.” 

The orchestra, lead by Elizabeth Mulkey, plays one of their songs for the virtual audience members who live streamed the event. (Liv Zender)

Every year Mulkey and Selle decide on a theme to represent the art presented at Her Majesty’s Theatre. For this year’s theme, Mulkey and Selle chose “Creative Connections” This theme is meant to represent the unique challenges that students and faculty alike have adjusted to during this unique year. Emphasis was placed on the idea that art and creativity will continue to connect us, even in difficult times. 

“I think that theme came through in the variety of pieces that I chose, as well as the poems and speeches the readers gave about the music.  The artwork reflected it as well.”