Spring Play Brings Entertainment to Many

Students performed “These Shining Lives” on March 26-27 at 7 P.M. in the gym.

PHOTO | Lauren Shaw

The play was based on a true story of four women in the 1920’s fighting to be paid after being exposed to poisonous radium while painting dial watches.

The annual spring play, put on by students of Sion, Rockhurst, and Blue Valley North, cumulated their weeks of practice into performances that took place in March 26-27. “These Shining Lives” is based on a true story about how four women took their ex-employers to court after they had been exposed to deadly radium through their jobs. With the lead roles being mainly women, Assistant Director Elizabeth Mulkey saw the play as an exciting opportunity for her students. 

“We chose this because it features many strong women as well as it being a true story. We thought it would be a really wonderful thing to honor their memory.”


With most of the roles being occupied by women, male students from Rockhurst and Blue Valley North took the roles of the men. Practicing for weeks at a time, the cast was able to pull the entire show together during tech week. Tech week takes place the final days before the performance, lasting from after school to late in the evening. Senior Mattie Mills, who was cast as a lead role, explains why she was enthusiastic for the performance.

“I was originally interested in the play because is a very powerful story,” Mills said. “I also just love acting and being in the theatre productions here at Sion.”

The play was able to be watched through a live stream for all audiences, as well as distanced seating for the close family of the cast. Tickets were sold at a rate of $10 per household. Members of the audience were also given the opportunity to purchase flowers, posters, and “Break-A-Legs” (messages of encouragement) for a cast member. 

“I’ve found that the friends I make through theater have stayed with me the longest,” Freshman Suzanne Sade said. “Nobody is left out. We all just feel like a big family and I love every moment.”

Seniors Mattie Mills and James Reintjes play as the lead couple in the production. “A personal goal I had for this play was to really connect with my character, and have a really great performance,” Mills said. “I love this show and my goal was to have fun performing it.” (Lauren Shaw)