We Have Spirit, Yes We Do

Students celebrated spirit week last week by dressing up for daily themes and participating during field day.

The much anticipated annual Spirit Week took place Sept 13-17 and consisted of daily themes for students to dress up for, along with a daily competition of who was best dressed and celebratory field day on Sept 16. The five themes of the week were purple and white, under the sea, country vs. country club, all boys school, and throughout the decades(each grade was assigned a different decade). Junior Brynna Fitzgerald decided that Monday’s theme, “Sion School for Boys” was the most fun to dress up for. 

“My favorite outfit was the boys one because it was so easy to raid my brother’s closet,” Fitzgerald said. “I like the boys theme because it was so easy for everyone to dress up.” 

Everyday a google form was emailed to each student by vice president Jennifer Brown-Howerton that allowed them to nominate a student from each grade. The people nominated were the students whose costumes best fit the theme of the day. The winning students were awarded a piece of candy and their names announced over the intercom.  

“My favorite outfit was probably decades day,” freshman Madison Herald said. “I was Elle Woods from Legally Blonde and my winning outfits were boys for school, decades day, and country vs. country club.”

Most would agree that the most exciting event of spirit week is always field day. Students usually enjoy a variety of activities such as dodgeball, capture the chicken, sidewalk chalk, an inflatable obstacle course, a cake walk, a couple games of cornhole, and most importantly, the color throw. Students also enjoyed karaoke out on the picnic tables by the lunchroom. 

“My favorite part of field day was getting to play games and meeting some of the upperclassmen,” Herald said. “I played capture the chicken most of the time and then did the blow up obstacle course.” 

It is important that the color throw takes place at the very end of the day, due to the fact that once everyone is covered in the colored powder, it’s not going to come off. When it’s time for the color run, the whole school congregates by down by the softball field and each student is invited to grab a bag of colored powder to throw into the air on the count of three. Once the dust settles is when the fun really starts: taking pictures. 

“I like the color throw on field day. I love hanging out with my friends and the bright colors are so happy,” Fitzgerald said. “The photos always turn out super cute too.” 

Thus far, the first month of school has held many traditions, old and new. The freshmen have experienced a lot of “firsts”, such as Convocation and Beanie Week, and the seniors have experienced the first of what will be a year of many “lasts”, such as the last Mother-Daughter Luncheon. Still, there are many, many traditions to look forward to in the coming months, such as Winter Formal, Sion Olympics, and Sock it to Poverty. 

“Field day is always one of my favorite days of the whole year,” Miller said. “Being able to do the color toss with all of my friends and get some really good pictures is always the best.”