Ash Wednesday Mass Photo Gallery

Sion celebrated Ash Wednesday on March 2, 2022 with an all school mass

Senior Grace Townsend is anointed with ashes by Father Thomas

  • Campus Minister Stephanie Pino-Dressman opens the mass with a speech about the Lenten time

  • Music teacher Elizabeth Mulkey leads freshman Elwyn Patterson and senior Clara Stribling down the aisle as they play the bells opening mass

  • Father Sunoj Thomas gives his homily to those in attendance at Ash Wednesday Mass

  • Father Thomas brings energy to his words while presenting his homily to the congregation

  • Father Thomas prays a blessing over the ashes as freshman Zaria Fruehwirth holds the lectionary

  • Father Thomas blesses the ashes with holy water before distributing them to the eucharistic ministers

  • Theology teacher Bonnie Haghirian receives ashes from Father Thomas

  • Senior Grace Townsend is anointed with ashes by Father Thomas

  • Senior Ashley Ulowetz is given her ashes by Father Thomas

  • Senior Julia Norman is given her ashes by Father Thomas

  • Junior Emily Dierks walks back to her seat after receiving her ashes

  • Junior Claire Shankland receives her ashes from Father Thomas

  • Freshman Mary Schumm is anointed with ashes by Father Thomas

  • Freshman Amelia Bedell plays her clarinet as a part of the student symphony at mass on Ash Wednesday

  • Freshman Isabel Heidelmann plays her flute at Ash Wednesday mass as a part of the student symphony

  • Junior Carolina O’Byrne leads the congregation in song during Ash Wednesday mass

  • Junior Addie Hiestand reads her music before singing at Ash Wednesday mass

  • Junior Carolina O’Byrne sings with her fellow cantor sophomore Noelle Bertrand

  • Father Sunoj Thomas cleans up the Eucharistic vessels after communion

  • Music teacher, Elizabeth Mulkey closes mass with senior Clara Stribling and freshman Elwyn Patterson as they play the hand bells down the aisle

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