If you have ever visited the National Toy and Miniature Museum in Brookside or shopped in Crestwood’s boutique shops, you’ve likely driven past the Epperson House, located at 5200 Cherry St., Kansas City.
Built in 1920, it has 54 rooms and unique features, such as an indoor swimming pool, a barbershop, a stage, and a built-in organ. Although it has been vacant since the 1940s, a new plan was released to refurbish it into a boutique hotel. The hotel will have 14 guest rooms with a café, restaurant, library, and full service spa, which will include facials, luxury baths, and hot and cold therapy.
While the new plan is luxurious, there is also a long history of hauntings and paranormal activity at the Epperson House. In 1922, Harriet Barse, an organist and extremely close friend to the owners of the home died unexpectedly of a gallbladder infection. The organ in the house was to be installed for her, but she passed away before it was ready. There have since been many reports of hearing the organ being played and seeing the ghost of a woman, assumed to be Harriet. People have also seen lights turn on and off in restricted areas of the house and as well as hearing footsteps while alone.
“If it weren’t for the hauntings, I would love to spend a night. It is such a beautiful building,” says Sophomore, Gracie Goforth. “But I wouldn’t because I don’t want to interfere with the spirits that might live there.”
Would you stay a night at the Epperson House?