Becoming Successful like Clockwork

When I took a road trip to Springfield, Mo over the first weekend of the 2012 summer with fellow classmate Laura Mann, I wasn’t expecting what was on the other end of that three hour long car ride.

We had traveled south on I-49 to see her favorite band, Never Shout Never, for her 16th birthday. I was excited for the trip, but was a little nervous considering I listened exclusively to country music at the time and only knew a few of the band’s songs.

After meeting a few band members and claiming a spot in the front row, the opening band started their performance. This wasn’t just another band. I immediately loved all the songs they played and knew that I would be following this band for a while. Two and a half years later, I am proud to call myself a fan of Clockwork.

With a sound and style all their own, Clockwork makes you quickly forget that their songs and performances are coming from such a new, young band.  Formed in St Louis, Mo, the band consists of Jordan Slone, Logan Slone, both 17 and Logan Mohler, 21.

This band has done a wonderful job of perfecting their brand of acoustically-infused rock, slathered in memorable melodies and striking harmonies. Clockwork was started in 2011, and have played in various cities around the midwest, including St. Louis, Chicago, Kansas City and Des Moines.

Their album Out to Sea features eight exceptional songs, including Fire, Just Breathe, and, my favorite, Calling You Out. Over Christmas break, they played an 18+ show at the Record Bar in Westport. Hopefully they’ll be traveling back to the MO-KAN border soon, but if not I’m totally up for a road trip to St Louis if anyone wants to join.

You can “like” them on Facebook and check out their album Out to Sea on iTunes.