Father Daughter: Last Hoorah of High School
PHOTO | Anna Schroer
The usual messy bun and floppy uniform I am used to seeing every day vanished. Every girl I passed was beautifully dressed head to toe. Their hair was polished and their faces gleamed with excitement.
This was my favorite part about the Father Daughter dance, which was held at the Sheraton on Feb. 9. And this year, I sighed with sadness that it would be my last one.
As the senior dads sang “Sweet Sion Girl” to the crowd of happy, senior daughters, I couldn’t stop thinking about how much I will miss the spirit of this night.
As we stumbled through our performance of “All You Need is Dad,” I think we all realized how special Father Daughter actually is. I know I will miss the smile on my dad’s face when he walks down the stairs in his rented tux (senior dad tradition) and the promised last dance of the night.
Every girl should cherish the time spent at the Father Daughter dance because we only have so many and they are a great opportunity to bond with our dads. As my dad referred to the dance on the way home as the “last hoorah,” I realized how much I will miss the cheesy dances, and most importantly, how much I will miss Sion.