College Workshop Proves to be Worthwhile

Everything you’ve been working for, your entire future, all in one word. College. A concept dreaded by many. The stress and anxiety that surrounds this single word is very real for every Sion student. So how do you prepare? There are many tools provided throughout the year to help get you ready for college, but because so much information is thrown at you, it’s hard to decode what’s really important to know and what events you should attend.

Sion and Rockhurst High School’s college fairs are two perfect examples of events that are guaranteed to overwhelm you with admission rates, student to faculty ratios and tuitions so high you lost track of all the zeroes. Every admissions representative is going to try to convince you that their school is the one for you.

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It has the best college town, great Greek life, renovated dorms, close relationships between the teachers and students, it’s ranked nationally, has a high graduation rate, blah blah blah.

All these statistics and numbers are too much for your brain to handle. You leave the fair with a handful of brochures and probably more questions about your future than you have answers.

But all is not lost. Maybe you do get something out of the fairs. You know what you want to do with your life and really connect with one of the admissions representatives and so you like this school on paper but then what? What’s the next step? The college workshop.

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Rockhurst’s college workshop for juniors and their families will give you a step by step approach of how to take on college. Choose a lecture for each session based on what you are interested in, so the event is catered to your needs. Whether you’re worried about taking the standardized tests, writing your essay or getting noticed by college coaches, there is something for everyone.

Representatives from different schools around the country come and present to you what they look for in the admission process. They are straight up telling you how to get into the school, all you have to do is listen and take notes.

College is a scary thought into the unknown, but Sion is doing everything it can to provide you with what you need to succeed. Whether you’re the kind of person who needs the statistics and facts from different schools or the informative “how to” on the admission process, you’re covered.

College. A word once feared by Sion students, but conquered by every Sion graduate.