iPhone 6: Most Popular iPhone Yet

During study hall I flipped opened my Laptop and clicked on Safari which, by default, opens to the Apple website. What did I see? “iPhone 6” was displayed across my 13-inch screen in bolded letters. Below that was a link to watch the livestream of the new iPhone announcement. I quickly clicked to my desired website and didn’t think much of it, but on Twitter and Facebook later that day it seemed like the only thing people were talking about was the new iPhone. The iPhone 6 to be exact.

I have always wondered why Apple always seemed to dominate over it’s competition, but in the aftermath of the iPhone 6 announcement, I have found my answer. Apple is really good at selling its products.

Try to think of another company that broadcasts a live stream of the announcement of a new product on their website. Its hard, and you might not even be able to think of one. That’s the beauty of Apple. They know what their customers want, and they deliver.

The homepage of the Apple website is still advertising the iPhone 6 and probably will until the announcement of a new product. When I clicked on the iPhone page, I was expecting to be overwhelmed by technical lingo and long-winded paragraphs explaining why this iPhone is the best yet, but I was pleasantly surprised. What I found were brief paragraphs explaining the changes that were made to the iPhone and easy to understand graphics.

Apple has made the iPhone 6 like a miniature version of a computer with the addition of apps like Pages, Numbers and Keynote. They have improved the camera and added a time lapse feature to the app. Apple has even made strides to try to make their phone more like an android by making the screen larger and moving the lock button from the top to the side of the phone. I wondered how they could possibly make all of the new additions interesting and easy to understand.

Then I found the videos, or as Apple likes to call them films, for the new iPhone, and I got excited. Even though the page for the iPhone 6 is concise and easy to read, if there’s a video that will tell me the same things, I’m probably going to watch that instead.

The first “film” I watched was full of really sophisticated tech-talk that went in one ear and out the other.The next two videos on the list, however, were short, 30 second clips featuring the voices of Jimmy Fallon and Justin Timberlake, so they were obviously funny.

Apple knows their customers and knows what those customers want. There are some customers, like me, that only have to watch the short clips featuring Jimmy Fallon and Justin Timberlake and click through a few pictures to want the new phone. Then there are people who care about the technological side of the iPhone; the people that want to know about the new A8 chip and microprocessor. Apple appeals to both sides.

So when the iPhone 6 is released on Friday, I definitely won’t be the first person in line waiting for the doors of the Apple store to open. I probably won’t have one after a month or two. I will, however, be making sure that I put the iPhone 6 on the top of my Christmas list, but for now I’ll have to be content with my discontinued iPhone 4.