Socks Colors Cutting Creativity


The current student dress code is very straightforward with the strict code of neutral socks, but a change in uniform policy would not not affect learning capabilities, instead it would aid in self expression.


As I browse through the halls of our beloved Sion, I can not help but notice the lack of individuality in our students. As a community, we embrace and support our differences, understand and respect opposing views, celebrate our diversity, and open our hearts to share love with the world.  All of us do this in our own way, sharing a bit of ourselves in our community.  Physical expression in the simplest of forms would allow some balance, some way to show ourselves on the outside and sharing what is on the inside.

I am not pushing for  the complete uniform transition, but I am saying that instead of expressing my individuality based on my backpack, I would rather express it through something even more menial- but oh so important- our socks.

The leaves are beginning to change into vibrant oranges and reds, telling and signaling to the world that autumn is coming, and that winter will soon be upon us.  Just as the leaves show their spirit of winter; as nature cycles through its courses finalizing the season, I want to be able to display my love and spirit for my school.  I want to express my own ideas and beliefs through color, through patterns and inorganic shapes.  Please do not misunderstand, I do not think a slight change in the uniform will signal a catastrophic change in the weather patterns, but how do you hold back your joy when surrounded by falling beautiful leaves?

The socks are a small way of sharing something often overlooked but beautiful with those we surround ourselves with.  The socks are our own little haven, our precious scenic view. They are our fall leaves cascading to the ground leading the way to colder months; important enough to appreciate their aesthetics, but lead into the greater importance of learning and sharing our personal views.

Michele Borba, an educational psychologist believes that uniforms create an emotional safety at the school.  Consider if the student was wearing her favorite pair of socks.  Would it not make the student more comfortable and apt to learn?  Sharing a bit of oneself, even through something as unimportant as socks, allows one to share a bit of themselves in a world that is consistently increasing uniformity and individuality.  And while attending a school as open minded as Sion, should we not be able to share a subtle little part of us, through our socks? George Bush has said he enjoys colorful socks and is a sock man.  Even someone who ran our country has favored a piece of apparel not typically tied to business or structure.

And to to be clear, I am understanding of why regulations are in place.  I am not pushing outrageous and over the top socks, such as those that are thigh high or a in fishnet pattern.  But if someone wants to wear their favorite fuzzy socks, or their Christmas themed foot apparel, why oppose?  Sion students are well educated, mature girls.  Their knowledge on what is appropriate under circumstances of school is acknowledged, and would have to trouble in choosing sockwear that correctly expresses the wonderful individuals they are.

Minimal self expression in the simplest of ways would increase enriched learning in the student population. When one wears their favorite socks they would feel instant gratification of self expression immediately. The differences allow me to say I am different, without actually saying anything.  In the open arms of Sion, the allowance of personal preference on socks would not be overwhelming, because, as known, the atmosphere respects and allows all differences.  The socks would not be distracting from learning, but instead share and cultivate an atmosphere increasing tied to learning.