Field Day is Pulled Off Without A Field

  • Seniors Mena Beralign and Ellen Lilek converse with freshman Gwyn Powell while waiting for partner yoga to start.

  • Freshman Samantha Wilson participates in the human Jenga game during field day. The game took place in the courtyard.

  • Senior Stephanie Ostrander bumps the ball to senior Rachel Ergovich to hit over the net.

  • Senior Anna Ciani mentally prepares for the freshmen vs. senior dodgeball game. The seniors won.

  • Senior Daria Kinchelow yells because a freshman who she threw the ball at, did not take themselves out of the game which was breaking the rules.

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  • The senior class huddles together for a pep talk before the freshman vs. senior dodgeball game.

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I hesitantly enter the gym Friday afternoon, not really sure what to expect. It was freshman-senior “field” day, however, we seemed to be missing a rather important facet to the day – the field. While our precious stadium is still underway, the senior and freshman classes made do with what we had.

The afternoon started off with some body-bending partner yoga, which was quite the ice-breaker between my freshman buddy and me. The dimly lit gym filled with nearly 200 girls trying to stretch in every which way was anything but relaxing; however, I think most people got a good laugh out of it, I know I did.

The rest of the day was rather laid back. We were welcome to come and go at different stations as we pleased. There was a volleyball game accompanied by some dancing in the gym, bean bag toss tournaments, a giant jenga game, sidewalk chalk and tie dying headbands. Dying the headbands was probably the most intriguing to watch. Stained fingers either produced beautiful masterpieces, or something similar to mine, a hideous failure.

Since our largest space was in the gym, a senior vs. freshman dodgeball game was created. I think it’s safe to say that it got a little heated. Girls were sweating while throwing rockets through the air. Although it was a pretty close match, the seniors rocked the house, per usual, with a victory. Dodge ball was by far the best idea of our non-field day.

We finished the afternoon off with ice cream. I sat outside enjoying both eating the sweet goodness in my hands, and watching the sweet goodness being created before my eyes – our field. Is it ironic to end my “field” day by watching them build our actual field? Perhaps, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.

The senior class huddles together for a pep talk before the freshman vs. senior dodgeball game.
The senior class huddles together for a pep talk before the freshman vs. senior dodgeball game.
Senior Daria Kinchelow yells because a freshman who she threw the ball at, did not take themselves out of the game which was breaking the rules.
Senior Daria Kinchelow yells at a freshman to go to the sidelines after hitting her with a dodgeball. 
Freshman Samantha Wilson participates in the human Jenga game during field day. The game took place in the courtyard.
Freshman Samantha Wilson participates in the human Jenga game during field day. The game took place in the courtyard.
Senior Stephanie Ostrander bumps the ball to senior Rachel Ergovich to hit over the net.
Senior Stephanie Ostrander bumps the ball to senior Rachel Ergovich to hit over the net.
Senior Anna Ciani mentally prepares for the freshmen vs. senior dodgeball game. The seniors won.
Senior Anna Ciani mentally prepares for the freshmen vs. senior dodgeball game. The seniors won.