Sion Storm Schedule Benefits Students

Eighty-minute classes. To some, just the thought of being in the same room for that long sends dread, coursing through their body.

Others, however, are able to appreciate the extended class periods that have been set to take place four days per month. If approached with an open mind, the Sion/Storm schedule days can be sure to please not only students, but faculty as well.

Longer classes allow for more diversity in regard to teaching style. According to, studies have shown that every student absorbs and processes information differently. Instead of the usual brisk lecture or single activity, teachers are free to break away from their everyday routine and split up the time into sections. The idea behind this is to better accommodate the wide range of learning styles that are present in every class.

Depending on the class (or teacher), a longer amount of time can also introduce the opportunity to dive deeper into a more complex subject that a mere 45-50 minutes would not provide. A more in-depth lesson allows for better understanding on the pupil’s part.

For students, one of the leading benefits is having two nights to complete homework assignments. Depending on how one wants to approach it, this could mean a night of no homework plus a night of homework for all classes. Or the idea that, if done nightly according to that day’s classes, two nights of half the amount of usual work.

The added bonus of the Sion Storm schedule is that it is partnered with a late start. Just getting that extra hour of sleep in the middle of the week can make a big difference. Paired with the block classes, it offer a bit of a break for an overall less “full speed ahead” environment.

This subtle but positive change to our month during the first and third weeks is just enough to spice things up. Sion has succeeded in keeping up with the nationwide trend of block scheduling while still staying true to the way things have always been run.