Oak Park Mall Closing on Thanksgiving is Something To Be Thankful For

Oak Park Mall makes the right decision closing its doors on Thanksgiving.

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Oak Park Mall made the decision to close on Thanksgiving, benefitting employees.

Thanksgiving is a season full of tradition, family time and of course, thankfulness. But as soon as that plate of turkey is clean and the last piece of pumpkin pie eaten, it is off to the mall to get those early Christmas deals.

Not this year. Local mall Oak Park Mall will be closed all day on Thanksgiving but will reopen at 6 a.m. on Black Friday. But, any store with an exterior entrance has the option of remaining open.

Many other malls are following Oak Park’s direction like the Mall of America, the nation’s largest shopping mall, who says they will be closed on Thanksgiving day, according to the Wall Street Journal.

Imagine staring off into space, working behind the cash register. Your family back at home celebrating, while you’re stuck daydreaming about your mom’s famous stuffing. Thanksgiving’s meaning lies in spending time with one’s loved ones and cherishing the people and blessings in one’s life. Today, society is losing that meaning by placing too much emphasis on shopping and material goods. Visiting a store shouldn’t be the main focus of people’s Turkey Day.

An American Psychological Association survey stated that about only half of the U.S. workforce felt valued by its employer. Giving employees the day off on Thanksgiving allows for an employee to feel valued by his or her employer. Store closings on holidays like Thanksgiving could be beneficial to the employee and employer relationship.

The major benefit coming from malls like Oak Park’s decision to be closed on Thanksgiving is that employees can finally spend time with their loved ones this holiday. Employees deserve a day off after working hard each day. Plus, employees need the rest to gear up for the most hectic day in all of retail America. Black Friday.

Oak Park’s decision to close its doors Thanksgiving is ethically right and should be exercised more across the country. Everyone deserves family time and a delicious piece of pie on Turkey Day.