Guns are Safe, People are Dangerous

People kill people, all the time with guns.

PHOTO | Tribune News Service

Hundreds of high school and middle school students gather in front of the White House in support of gun control in the wake of the Florida shooting, Wednesday, Feb. 21.

President of the United States Donald Trump supported a National Rifle Association proposition to arm teachers with guns after the most recent mass shooting at Parkland High School in Florida Feb. 18, according to the New York Times. That is just preposterous. Don’t stop at the teachers, lets arm every student too. It’s about time automatic assault rifles were on the back-to-school list. Oprah Winfrey should be shouting “you get one, and you get one, and you” about the only thing that will make Americans feel safe, more guns.

America is the only nation where shootings happen more regularly than the sun rises because not enough people are armed. The country has the right to bear arms, but does every arm in the country have a gun on it? School children, parents, police officers, teachers, concert goers and moviegoers won’t feel safe until every arm does.

Tribune News Service

It’s not the guns killing people. People kill people. If someone went into a school with a knife determined to kill people, they would kill as many people as a gun does. The 6,342 individuals either injured or killed by a gun in 2018, according to the Gun Violence Archives, would have been injured or killed some other way. There are definitely enough weapons besides guns that Americans have access to that can cause rapid, deadly harm to others.

Fox News recently reported that high schools in Florida, Ohio and Illinois were banning backpacks due to safety concerns over school shootings. Let’s just ban schools. That way there isn’t a place for hundreds of children to be located together and Americans can keep their guns. Win-Win. Save the lives of children and guns, both equally important.

Better yet, if parents are worried about their children in the home with a gun, all they have to do is make sure they have a safe. The child will be completely protected in there and the parent won’t have to worry about any accidental discharges. America doesn’t need gun control, just child-sized safes.

Nikolas Cruz mugshot.

The Parkland, Florida alleged shooter obtained his gun legally. The mentally ill 19-year-old, who had been kicked out of school and who many had concerns over after he brought guns to school, bought an AR-15 rifle completely legally. This weapon is classified as “assault-style,” which was included in part of a federal ban until 2004 and used in the recent mass shootings in Aurora, Colorado, Santa Monica and San Bernardino, California and Orlando, Florida, according to Time Magazine. But, always remember: if someone wants to commit a crime or hurt people they’ll find a way. Instead of making it more difficult for mentally ill people to get a gun, it should be easier. They’ll kill people if they want to anyway, might as well know where the gun came from.

It’s good to know Americans are still adamant about the right to bear arms, it is a very important issue. It doesn’t matter how many lives are lost. The National Rifle Association pays politicians enough to ensure that Americans will always have the right to fear if they’ll be a part of today’s mass shooting.