Caravan Craziness

The caravan traveling towards the United States’ southern border is an ineffectual trip that will ruin amnesty regulations in years to come.


Those seeking asylum in the United States that are traveling with the caravan want the opportunity to become citizens, but storming the border, and climbing over fences according to the Washington Post, is not the way to do it. Those who attempted to break through the border Sunday, Nov. 25th were turned away and the port of entry they had attempted to go through was closed “To ensure public safety in response to large numbers of migrants seeking to enter the U.S. illegally,” according to Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen. The use of illegal measures to enter into the United States will result in nothing but the continual degradation of immigration relations in the United States.

Members of the caravan fled their country of origin, most of the immigrants are natives of Honduras according to the New York Times, due to “Poverty, threats and violence in Honduras,” according to USA Today. If this is true then they would be eligible to apply for asylum status once reaching the border of the United States based on the description given by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services website.

Those who have suffered persecution due to their race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group or political opinion are eligible to go through the affirmative asylum status in the United States, according to the USCIS. But the process itself can take upwards of 180 days, so after finally making it to the United States, they will be put on hold, and held outside of the border for six months according to USCIS. They can also apply for refugee status based on the description given by USCIS, as a refugee is defined as someone who Is located outside of the United States, would be considered of special humanitarian concern to the United States, demonstrates that they were persecuted or fear persecution due to their race, religion, nationality, political opinion, or membership in a particular social group, and is not firmly resettled in another country and would be considered admissible to the United States, according to the USCIS. So the opportunity to enter into the country based off their refugee status opens more doors for them too, literally and figuratively.

But their sheer size diminishes their possibilities. With over 7,000 people in the caravan according to CNBC wouldn’t they think that would hurt their chances of entering into the United States? If the process takes up to 6 months for a single person, then 7,000 would certainly affect the semi-swift process, giving rise to a plethora of logistical problems to process them all.

As for how the caravan will affect immigrants currently living within the confines of the United States, the future does not look bright. There are currently 10.8 million illegal immigrants estimated to be living in the United States today according to Texas Monthly. These immigrants living within the borders of the United States have been not granted amnesty, and live in constant fear of being deported back to their country of origin. Their status in the United States is on thin ice as it is, the caravan, whether their intention was to or not, is enticing negative feelings towards illegal immigrants from policymakers in the United States.

The negative press surrounding the caravan itself, spills onto the immigrants already present in the United States. If the government is willing to use teargas on immigrants coming towards the United States, the line is very thin on deciding whether or not to use tear gas, or other violent measures on illegal immigrants within the United States. The violent actions reflects badly on the non-violent members of the caravan, with the violent actions of some, ruining the chances of many.

Our current political climate concerning immigration, with a President that arguably got elected due to the calling card of “Build a Wall” wouldn’t be called a welcoming or inclusive environment. So 7,000 illegal aliens knocking at the southern doors isn’t going to make things any better. Most Americans would be ready to help, or at least support, the people who fled their country because of a humanitarian crisis. Feelings change when members of the caravan had the be dispersed with tear gas because hundreds were attempting to breach the border, according to the BBC, then the American people’s open arms, policymakers minds, and the border will close ever so slightly.