Senior Year: COVID-19 Edition

I’m choosing to kick off the 2020-2021 school year with encouragement and hope.

PHOTO | submitted by Emma Aguayo

Senior Madeline Hammett and Senior Olivia Shively hold freshman sisters Caroline Hammett and Lucy Shively after the first day of school on Aug. 25.

Disclaimer: this year is not going to be the typical senior year that every student anxiously anticipates. This is something I have been warned of by my school, my teachers, my fellow students, and my parents. It seems like the 2020-2021 seniors, myself included, are being reminded to not expect much out of this year almost as much as we are reminded to put our seatbelts on by the annoying dinging of the seatbelt sign in the car. That is exactly what these reminders are: far too familiar and getting very annoying.

That is what I heard, yet again, walking into school Tuesday morning for the first day of in-person classes. The words “it won’t last” seemed to be chasing me through every hallway I walked through. I found myself slipping into a state of helplessness. Upset that my senior year was being stolen by a virus that I can’t control, angry that I couldn’t force everyone to follow the guidelines. As my freshman sister and I got into my car at noon that day I realized that I spent nearly my entire first day of senior year being upset about what I was going to miss out on. I had spent so much time feeling frustrated about what I was going to miss out on that I had forgotten to be excited about what I was getting to experience, my first day of senior year!

I know this year isn’t going to be normal. I am well aware that the likelihood of our school staying in session for much longer is slim to none. I am far too aware of the threat that this pandemic is posing on our futures. Yet, amidst all of this, I am choosing to be content. I am content with the fact that I get to go to school, however long that lasts. I am thrilled that I get to see the new and old faces of students and teachers in the halls of our school, even if those faces are masked. 

Seniors Madeline Hammett and Madeline Malone present beanies to Maison 16 freshmen Arleth Guevara, Aleena Khan, and Vikki Muchai on Aug. 25.

The Class of 2021 may not be very excited for this year and the traditions, trips, and plethora of “lasts” that we likely won’t be able to experience, but we can be content. Content with what we do get to have, with the efforts our dear school has made to help us be able to experience as much as possible, and content with the little bit of normalcy that has finally returned to our upturned lives. 

To you, seniors, remember that this is our last year seeing each other’s faces, hearing each other’s laughs, and building lasting friendships with each other. With that in mind, love this year for what it is. Choose contentment over disappointment any time you can. Let’s embrace these last few months of high school and enjoy it, no matter what curveballs come our way.