I lay my head down on my books, the crooked lamp in the corner of my room offering a dim light as I struggle to stay awake.
“Just finish this and then you can go to bed,” I think to myself, but my eyelids are already starting to droop and my head feels like a weight has crashed on it. I’m torn. My body keeps telling me to sleep, but everytime I think about my load the next day, I’m convinced I need to grab some coffee, and stay up another hour.
It’s only a few weeks before school is out and it’s off to ice cream shops, sunset walks, and days at the pool. But until then, finals, AP exams, ending projects, and an endless amount of stress occupy our lives. As the year closes out, and all classes come to an end, the work and study load can all pile together, creating immense pressure and stress. With all the stress weighing down, it’s easy to lack motivation and just want to give up. So how can you make the most of what you have left, and finish the year strong?
It’s a hard balance to create. If you give yourself too much time to relax, all of a sudden you feel lazy, as though you’ve procrastinated all your work. On the other hand, if you overwork yourself, and don’t give any time for relaxation, you’ll find yourself burnt out when finals come along. What I have found helpful is to start by studying in increments. When getting home from school to study, whether that’s right after school, a practice, or game, start with a homework assignment that’s easy, or does not stress you out. This will help you focus in, without overworking yourself. Next, move to the task you dread most. Although it’s tempting to leave this task until the end, if you do, you may find yourself simply too tired, and leave it to the next day. By completing your most difficult piece second, your mind will be fresh, but it won’t have been the first thing to get yourself started. After this, make sure to give yourself a 5-15 minute break. Get a snack, walk around, or go outside. When you return to your seat, you can start on the rest of your work. Most importantly, focus on one task at a time. Many times, I find myself overwhelmed by the amount I must complete, but by pushing that all to the side as I complete my homework one by one, I become more efficient. By balancing your workload at night, you may find yourself feeling more confident in your work, and hopefully, motivated to finish the year out strong.