Sweeny’s Last Swing

After four years of dedication to field hockey, Senior Zoey Sweeny ends her career with a big hit.

Varsity Captain Zoey Sweeny is honored during senior night, before the game against St. Thomas Aquinas.

One last time on the field. One last time with her electric blue and yellow stick gripped tightly in her hand. One eye on the ball, one eye on her stick head. She thinks back to freshman year when she didn’t even know how to hold a field hockey stick. But now, four years later, she is captain of the team and enjoys every moment of it.


Senior Zoey Sweeny steps onto the field for her last game, senior night. She looks up, sees her mother and father sitting in the bleachers with the rest of the parents and her younger sister.


It’s time. Game time. She is ready to give it all she’s got, play her hardest and show her family and coaches what she has learned these past four years.


The team huddles. “Sticks in,” Sweeny said with her co-captains and louder than ever, screaming their pre-game player prayer. The girls were ready.


Onto the field she goes, lining up with her team mates in position which now seems like second nature, into formation. The ball is set on the 50 yard line. The whistle blows, and the last game of Sweeny’s field hockey career is in full force.


Winning against St. Thomas Aquinas 4-0, it was a senior night that she would never forget.


The purple and silver balloons were catching the sunlight and reflecting rays onto the 10 senior posters hanging on the fence. The 10 smiles reflecting the good memories they have had over the last four years.


“The memories I have made on this team and with these people over the last four years are ones I will never forget and always cherish,” Sweeny said. “Even though I sometimes wanted to quit or just not go, I am so happy that I stuck with it and I got so much out of it.”

One last time on the field. One last time hitting the ball. One last time with her fellow seniors making memories that she will never forget.