Senior Swims to Success


PHOTO | Erin Mills

She inhales a deep breath as her lungs fill with the chlorine heavy air. She hastily adjusts her cap and goggles on top of her head. She takes a step up to the slippery, wet block. The sound from the crowd echoes in the crowded gym, their words turning into white noise. She looks ahead and hears her que. She takes her mark. The meet has begun.

Senior Meghan Kearney will be representing Sion in St. Louis after making her eighth state cut for swim this past weekend. Kearney has gone to state the past three years, but was surprised to have qualified this year. After deciding that she would focus on track, this versatile athlete stuck with swim for fun and came into this season more open minded than in the past.

“Even though she’s been swimming for a long time, she’s always looking for new ways to improve herself. She really leads the other girls by example,” coach Kelly Timson said.

While encouraging her friends and teammates, Kearney has proved herself as a leader to the team. Kearney is the only person who has qualified for state in individual events, and is also in a relay with juniors Katarina Qamar, Nathalie Barbeau and freshman Ellie Magsamen. Timson hopes to see Kearney get her personal best times at state and is optimistic that she will place in the top eight in her events.

“You have to work hard for yourself. It’s you against the timeboard,” Kearney said.

Swim is very much an individual sport, but the team aspect comes into play with the support system Kearney has. Her friends and teammates are the ones at the edge of the pool screaming and yelling for her, pushing her to do better. The whole team will accompany Kearney and her relay to state to cheer them on.

Her head pops up and she gasps for air. Her lungs burn as the air diffuses through her. Her body aches from exhaustion. She stretches her arm to reach the wall. She pauses before hoisting herself up to heave a few breaths. She has done it. The race is over.