Sophomore Aubrey Johnston warms up before her match against Barstow.
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Sophomore Aubrey Johnston warms up for the match against Barstow.Senior Caroline DeCoursey returns the ball to her opponent.Senior Devon Graham returns the ball during an intense match against Barstow.Senior Elizabeth Burnham gives sophomore Loulya Alabed words of encouragement during the Barstow match.Senior Elizabeth Burnham warms up before playing against Barstow.Senior Ellie Schwartz waits for the ball during the Barstow match.Sophomore Emma Miller positions to hit the ball when it is returned to her.Sophomore Emma Miller prepares to serve the ball to her opponent.Junior Katie Byers waits for the ball during warm up.Junior Zoé Trouvé cheers on a teammate before the match. Trouvé is unable to play because of a knee injury.Junior Margo Gerke hits the ball back to her opponent during her single match against Barstow.Junior Margo Gerke warms up before a match against Barstow.Sophomore Meg Travis awaits the ball during warm ups.Junior Margo Gerke waits for a serve during the Barstow match.Freshman Keali Myrick hits the ball back to her opponent.