The Madness of March: a Time Like No Other
PHOTO | Photo from MCT Campus
Brackets for the 2016 NCAA men’s basketball tournament. TNS 2016
Every year without fail, the release of the iconic 68-team bracket meets eleven months of eager, pent-up anticipation. High hopes and unification stir in the hearts of not only the players, but the fans as they follow their gut instincts and wish for the best. No other tournament brings the same level of devotion, heartbreak and triumph as March Madness.
Even though I may be unfairly biased with a lifetime of playing, I truly believe there is nothing like watching a good game of basketball. The fast pace along with the small numbers on the court make for a lively, easy-to-watch 90 minutes. And if it’s not the actual sport that you’re interested in, take a few minutes to research the team you are watching; I can assure you that knowing the individuality of each team as well as the storylines behind each player will change the way you look at the game. I, along with millions of fellow Americans, am a sucker for the tied games with 2 seconds left on the clock that leave my nails bitten down to stubs. The thrill I get from living vicariously through my favorite teams as they journey through the tournament borderlines obsessiveness, but there is no way I’d rather have it.
While the games may steal the awards for shining moments, it is important to remember that the tournament as a whole is about more than just the games. The friendly competition between family, friends and coworkers might be what I look forward to the most out of the entire process, and that says a lot. My mom’s side of the family has had a bracket competition for as long as I can remember and nothing can beat the taunting messages, creative HBO letters from my cousin, and ironic failures that always seem to play out. While success in the bracket standings is duly awarded, my favorite award goes to the person seated in last place when it all comes to an end. Even though I always manage to end up right in the middle of the standings, aka the “real losers,” I am able to overcome it and see the real magic that this tournament brings into our family.
Last but not least, March Madness is fun for all ages. Placing one’s trust in a team – even if it’s a team that person has never cheered for before in their life – isn’t something that many other sports have to offer. Whether your picks are based off of the name of the institution, team colors, underdogs (hello Middle Tennessee) or instinct, there is one thing that remains certain throughout the years: there will be no shortage of surprises.
The thrill that March Madness brings never seems to get old and it is at this point (as it is every year) that I find myself wondering what I will do now that it has come to its end. 2016 in particular brought a month of madness that will surely go down in history, with no shortages of overtimes or buzzer beaters even up until the unbelievable championship game itself. The heart-pounding upsets, inspiring team stories and unification that it brings to my family all combine to make this one of my favorite times of the year. Oh, March Madness, I pray you never change.