Softball Varsity Loses Rival Game to STA

During their first rival softball game of the season, Varsity fell to St. Teresa’s Academy in the fifth inning.

PHOTO | Avery Brundige

Junior Sharon Kramschuster winds up to bat in the top of the third inning during the game at St. Teresa’s Academy Sept. 18. Varsity lost 10-0.

Softball lost to St. Teresa’s Academy 10-0 in the bottom of the fifth inning at STA Sept. 18.

“Our schools are rivals, but if we let that get to our heads too much, we aren’t going to feel as confident about ourselves,” pitcher junior Sharon Kramsheuster said. “We just have to treat them like any team we face.”

Sophomore Angelina Ferrara prepares to catch a pitch during the game at St. Teresa’s Academy Sept. 18. Varsity lost 10-0.

Turf fields proved to be a challenge and a change of pace for the infielders. Reaction time is cut in two for Sion due to the bouncier turf compared to Sion’s duller soft dirt home field. Although it was something to adapt to, it could also be used strategically. To no avail, Sion Coach Michael Dryer instructed players to bunt the ball in an attempt to put runs on the scoreboard.

Junior Grace Steyer and sophomore Katy Gromowsky react to a joke told in the dugout during the game at St. Teresa’s Academy Sept. 18. Varsity lost 10-0.

“I think it actually went pretty well,” outfielder junior Grace Steyer said. “We are actually fielding the ball. It’s a little bit harder since this isn’t our kind of field.”

During the game, multiple triumphs were earned in the outfield. In the bottom of the second inning, shortstop sophomore Samantha Philips received a ball from third baseman sophomore Lauren Ellwanger and ran it to second base. There, she and STA infielder senior Caroline Scofield toppled over, Scofield losing a shoe and ultimately the base.

“Before the game, I was a little nervous,” Philips said. “But I was way more ready to play STA because I wanted to compete with them.”

Sion assistant coach Steve Priddy watches as Sion is up to bat during the game at St. Teresa’s Academy Sept. 18. Varsity lost 10-0.

In the final play, Dryer and assistant coach Steve Priddy planned to allow STA players to walk and load the bases in hopes that the next hitter would hit to Kramschuster and allow her to throw to home to get Scofield, who was on third, out.

“What ended up happening, though,” pitcher senior Maya Bair said, “we didn’t get the call and she scored the tenth run. Then we were run-ruled.”