Volleyball Has a Clean Sweep in the First Game of the Season

Volleyball defeats Summit Christain Academy at Home for a Clean Sweep

Senior Anna Sheedy reaches up to hit the ball
Senior Bridgette Conner prepares to serve the ball

The volleyball team kicked off their season with a clean sweep against Summit Christain Academy on one home court on August 31st.

  “We had great matches across the program last night,” said head coach Brittany Boerigter. “We really saw the hard work from the summer paying off.”  

  The team had a few tough weeks leading up to their season opener, as one player caught Covid-19 and the entire program was exposed at a morning practice. Many players were not able to attend practices due to the exposure and their vaccination status. Player’s absence made it difficult to learn rotations and create a team dynamic. The clean sweep was huge considering the adversity the team faced early on. 

Each team only played the number of sets necessary to win the match; two sets each to 25 points to win. The C-team had an amazing game,they played hard and showed lots of energy on the court. They started off the chain of winning matches by winning their 1st and 2nd sets 25-13 and 25-17. JV went on to continue what C-team started. They had great hits and played aggressively. JV won their sets 25-12 and 25-17. 

“We all had nerves but came out with a win,” said sophomore and JV co-caption Megan Burdge. “I just love seeing our team compete for each other.”  

The night was closed out by varsity’s nail-biting match. They played aggressively and tried to let nothing touch the floor. When mistakes were made, they talked it out in huddles and came back to fix them.

Freshman Francie Keithline dives for a ball in the third set of the varsity game

Varsity showed grit coming back at the end of the first set when our backs were against the wall down 20-24,” said Boerigter. 

   Varsity won their first set 26-24, following the two point win rule which states that each set has to be won by two points. While it was a tough set, the team had many positives; the hitting was hard, and the serves floated across the net and scored points. They also earned 19 out of the 25 points that they won in the set either from serves and hits.   

“They could have easily said we can just get them the next set but they didn’t! The girls dug in their heels and fought!” said Boerigter. Our seniors stepped up in that moment and showed us how badly they want this season to be different from any season we’ve had before.” 

The second set was fought and dominated by varsity with an end score of 25-21. The third set was long and the girls were tired after fighting tooth and nail in the first two sets. The final set was back and forth, each team would go on a run and then suddenly the other team would fight back. Varsity won the final set  25-20, on a serve. 

“I think we had a strong game yesterday,” said junior and varsity co-captain Kori Franklin. “I was happy when our coach told us we had won 19 out of the 25 points in the first set.” 

The volleyball team had a great start to their season, and already accomplished one of their goals; beating Summit Christain Academy. The team is continuing to work hard in order to achieve their ultimate goal: winning the state championship. 

“I am proud of our performance last night and excited for the season ahead.” said Boerigter