Unfinished Business

Volleyball celebrates gaining momentum in win against Pleasant Hill

Varsity huddles after their first match to regroup and make their comeback in the following three sets.

All three volleyball teams competed against Pleasant Hill at home on Thursday, Sept. 9, to continue last year’s unfinished business. The C team received a win in their match of two sets, winning the first 25 to 16 and the second 25 to 23. JV had a tough loss, losing their first match 22-25, winning their second 27-25, and losing their third 10-15. Varsity lost their first match 23 to 25, but made a comeback to win overall in four sets, winning the second 25 to 23, third 25 to 19, and fourth 25 to 20.

“When we lost the first match we weren’t upset or mad, we just felt like that was a practice round because that was our first time trying our new lineup.” said junior Kori Franklin.

Junior Kori Franklin serves to begin play at the game against Pleasant Hill.

The varsity team, seeing this year as their comeback, gained confidence after this win, according to sophomore setter Sophie Saxton, because Pleasant Hill was on their list of teams to beat this season. Confidence, the first of their ‘fundamentals’ which are displayed in the gym to serve as a reminder during practice, helped varsity gain momentum in their new lineup. Building energy on the court, the team high-fives in between plays which helped calm freshman libero Francie Kiethline’s nerves in playing on varsity, as it proves everyone is welcoming and supportive.

“We high

Prior to the first game Annakate Foley practices serving in preparation to compete against Pleasant Hill.

-five our teammates as a way to let each other know they are going great.” said Saxton. “It also helps if you are having an off night that you know you have a whole coaching staff and a whole bench of teammates that have your back.”

Following their loss of the first match, varsity regrouped and did not waste any time in the next three according to senior Bridgette Conner. Their winning of the next two sets proved to Saxton that they were in control of the game and could beat Pleasant Hill, who expects to see improvement in the dynamic new lineup throughout the season.

“Last year we lost to Pleasant Hill on our way to state so this win is a very big deal.” said Conner. “It proves to everyone that we are real contenders and is another example of our hard work.”