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Sion Student Media

News and Publications of Notre Dame de Sion

Sion Student Media

News and Publications of Notre Dame de Sion

Sion Student Media

Anna Schroer

Anna Schroer, Feature Editor

Guilty Pleasure: watching Netflix hours on end

Favorite Movie: The Shawshank Redemption

Favorite Artist/Music: Twenty-one pilots

Favorite Food: chicken enchiladas

Favorite Holiday: Thanksgiving

Favorite Vacation: Seattle, washington

Favorite place in Sion: the tall tables in the NGS

Pet Peeve: the disgusting stickers on fruits and vegetables

All content by Anna Schroer

Seniors Enjoy Skip Day at Loose Park

Anna Schroer, Feature Editor Apr 28, 2015

Is Going Potluck a Thing of the Past?

Is Going Potluck a Thing of the Past?

Anna Schroer, Feature Editor Apr 13, 2015

In the past before Facebook and social media ruled the internet there were two options when finding a roommate for college. The choices you had were to 1) already know your roommate, 2) or going potluck. Colleges...

Free Coffee during February

Free Coffee during February

Anna Schroer, Feature Editor Feb 18, 2015

“Its a great day at Chick-fil-A.” These always cheery words at Chick-fil-A establishments across the nation hold more meaning in the month of February than ever before. This month the fast food...

The Endless Pile of Useless Mail

The Endless Pile of Useless Mail

Anna Schroer, Features Editor Oct 24, 2014

The difference in sound is what gives it away. Instead of the clear cut sound of shuffling paper, the edges catching on each other and then being put down with a humph in one pile. These letters outsource...

Let's Cut The Cake

Let’s Cut The Cake

Anna Schroer, Features Editor Oct 24, 2014

Gay marriage is finally legalized in almost half of the 50 states bringing our nation to the brink of a new constitutional amendment   The cake is cut. Ringlets of white icing dance in twirls around...

The Light That Clicks Off at 2:00 a.m.

The Light That Clicks Off at 2:00 a.m.

Anna Schroer, Features Editor Oct 23, 2014

The power finally goes off at 2:00 a.m. The iPad hits the floor for the night. Exhaustion sets in and eyes strain against the glow of the lamp, the only other light in the dark room. I am emotionally taxed,...

The Box Scholarship

The Box Scholarship

Anna Schroer, Reporter Mar 26, 2014

School books close once and for all. Students are abuzz with summer break anxiety. It’s the time of year that students look forward to. Senior Corey Cole is awaiting summer just like other students except...

A Blood Battle

A Blood Battle

Anna Schroer, Reporter Mar 4, 2014

Blood stains the streets. Fathers, mothers and children lie face down dead on the concrete sidewalks lined up, asleep forever amongst the revolutionary chaos. Snipers line the top of buildings peering...


Liddy Anstoetter

Anna Schroer, Reporter Oct 31, 2013

Storm Stomp 2013: Victory for Scholarships

Storm Stomp 2013: Victory for Scholarships

Anna Schroer, Reporter Sep 25, 2013

The crowd goes silent with anticipation. It’s the final game. The only sound in the gym is the faint swish of the cheerleader’s purple and silver pom poms. The last 20 seconds of the championship game...

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