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News and Publications of Notre Dame de Sion

Sion Student Media

News and Publications of Notre Dame de Sion

Sion Student Media

News and Publications of Notre Dame de Sion

Sion Student Media

Ashley Herring, Reporter

Position: Reporter

Pets: Two dogs named Bella and Molly

Favorite candy: Jolly Ranchers

Favorite TV show: Modern Family

Guilty Pleasure: Ice cream and Chinese food

Pet Peave: Bikers that ride in the street

All content by Ashley Herring
50 Years of Beatlemania

50 Years of Beatlemania

Ashley Herring, A&E Editor Feb 13, 2014

Seventy-four million people sat in front of their television screens in awe on Feb. 9, 1964. Four young, handsome men from Liverpool began their step to superstardom on “The Ed Sullivan Show.” These...

Fathers and Daughters: Barbeque and Bonding

Fathers and Daughters: Barbeque and Bonding

Ashley Herring, A&E Editor Sep 9, 2013

The smell of smoke from the Brancato’s catering truck filled the air. Girls were decked out in their cowgirl attire. Freshman Clare Carey even sported a pink cowboy hat with her cowboy boots. Burgers...

Persistence in Pakistan

Persistence in Pakistan

Ashley Herring, Reporter Dec 3, 2012

Rolling out of bed at 7:00 a.m., throwing on a uniform, and jumping in the car to race to school is just an everyday way of life as we know it. The hallways are filled with bright smiles and chatty girls....

Maloney Makes His Mark

Maloney Makes His Mark

Ashley Herring, Reporter Oct 29, 2012

A new coach strolls into the gym after school and is ready for practice. With 39 years of experience coaching volleyball, this year Joe Maloney began his Sion coaching career. Maloney retired from the...

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