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News and Publications of Notre Dame de Sion

Sion Student Media

News and Publications of Notre Dame de Sion

Sion Student Media

News and Publications of Notre Dame de Sion

Sion Student Media

Elizabeth Gianino, Web-Editor-in-Chief

Position: Web-Editor-in-Chief

Pets: One cat named Holly

Favorite Candy: Reese's M&Ms

Favorite TV show: Revenge

Guilty Pleasure: Anything Disney or Harry Potter

Pet Peeve: When you reach to get paper towels, and there is none left

All content by Elizabeth Gianino
Faith Filled Mission to Haiti

Faith Filled Mission to Haiti

Elizabeth Gianino, Web-Editor-in-Chief Apr 4, 2013

It is never enough for seniors to apply to college, excel in sports as captains, and finish graduation requirements. In addition to these tasks, it is every senior’s job to go above and beyond and complete...

State Bound for Poetry Competition

State Bound for Poetry Competition

Elizabeth Gianino, Web Editor-in-Chief Feb 26, 2013

Freshman Alyssa Moncure's recitation of "Caged Bird"  by Maya Angelou flew her to first place at the South Regional Poetry Out Loud competition Feb. 16, according to English teacher Shawn Watts.  Her...

The 85th Academy Awards

The 85th Academy Awards

Elizabeth Gianino, Web-Editor-in-Chief Feb 26, 2013

From revolutionary movies like “Le Miserables” to memorable films like “Abraham Lincoln,” history was not the only similarity between the two. On one night, something as minor as a red carpet stands...

Sion Olympic Dances 2013

Elizabeth Gianino, Web-Editor-in-Chief Feb 7, 2013

At every Sion Olympics, the freshmen through senior classes compete in a brutal battle to see which dance was best choreographed and promoted the most spirit. It was a close competition, but the Senior...

New Year, New You

Elizabeth Gianino, Web-Editor-in-Chief Jan 24, 2013

With just a few weeks into 2013, students have found new ways to be a better person, whether it be "do more in the community", "spend more time with family", and even "eat healthy". What is your New Year's...

Stranded in Boonville

Stranded in Boonville

Elizabeth Gianino, Website-Editor-in-Chief Jan 16, 2013

The Sion swim and dive team were stranded in the middle of Boonville, Mo. on their way home from a varsity invitational in St. Louis on Saturday night. They were unable to make the journey home because...

Final Days of Fall

Elizabeth Gianino, Web-Editor-in-Chief Nov 29, 2012

With only a few weeks left in the fall, students at sion are celebrating the season by enjoying the forest scenery, making caffeine trips to Starbucks, and even playing in the leaves. For ideas to make...

Everything's Going Their Way with Fringe on Top

Everything’s Going Their Way with Fringe on Top

Elizabeth Gianino, Web-Editor-in-Chief Nov 15, 2012

From wooden floors to a dusty plain, it is safe to say that what lies behind the curtains at Sion has transformed to the land just south of the Kansas border. Together, the cast and crew have spent eight...

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