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News and Publications of Notre Dame de Sion

Sion Student Media

News and Publications of Notre Dame de Sion

Sion Student Media

News and Publications of Notre Dame de Sion

Sion Student Media

Kim Fryer, Reporter

Position: Reporter

Pets: Three dogs named Gracie, Angel, and Drake

Favorite candy: Twix

Favorite TV show: Gossip Girl

Guilty Pleasure: Frank's Redhot sauce

Pet Peeve: When people get something caught in their throat but keep talking with our clearing it. Just cough already!


All content by Kim Fryer
A Balancing Act

A Balancing Act

Kim Fryer, Feature Editor Feb 10, 2014

The audience at the Avila’s Goppert Theater erupts into cheers and the curtain closes for intermission as junior Angela Griffin darts for the exit. She has merely minutes to get from Avila back to school...

Seniors Kim Fryer and Kristine Sullivan ramp up the crowd during the state soccer quarterfinals.  Sion lost to the Kearney Bulldogs 0-4.

Diary of a Transfer Student

Kim Fryer, Features Editor Jun 3, 2013

Reaching into my closet, my hand brushed a well-worn St. Teresa's Academy tartan plaid uniform skirt, gravitating towards it simply by habit. Moving past it, I grab a stiff grey kilt and put it on for...

Advocating our Academics

Kim Fryer, Reporter Mar 14, 2013

Transferring in to the junior class from St. Teresa’s Academy, I admit I was a little bit worried about Sion’s rumored more challenging academic curriculum. Sion stands out from other schools because...

Diary of a Snowboard Student

Diary of a Snowboard Student

Kim Fryer, Reporters Mar 13, 2013

We all know the feeling. Strolling into your seventh hour class, butterflies in your stomach, you silently pray that the coming snowstorm is big enough to cancel school the next day. The announcements...

Diary of an Exchange Student

Diary of an Exchange Student

Kim Fryer, Reporter Feb 11, 2013

We anxiously peered over the Gate 57 walls at the Kansas City International airport. Dozens of travelers with bags in hand waltzed off the plane, making their way towards the baggage claim. Adorned...



Kim Fryer, Reporter Jan 9, 2013

The heartbreak hung thick in a room full of high schoolers with heads hanging low. In a group that would normally be booming with laughter and excited exchanges, muffled sobs and sniffles were the only...

Diary of a Babysitter

Diary of a Babysitter

Kim Fryer, Reporter Dec 10, 2012

I held up UMKC student Krissy’s cell phone in the kitchen window and smirked, the laughs of my siblings and I echoing throughout the house as we dialed in her boyfriend’s phone number. She was locked...

Diary of a Public School Kid

Diary of a Public School Kid

Kim Fryer, Reporter Oct 29, 2012

My alarm buzzed as I rolled over in bed, and I noticed it was still pitch black outside. What the heck. Why am I awake when the sun isn’t even awake yet. I glance at the clock which reads 6 a.m., and...

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