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News and Publications of Notre Dame de Sion

Sion Student Media

News and Publications of Notre Dame de Sion

Sion Student Media

News and Publications of Notre Dame de Sion

Sion Student Media

Meg Cowan, Digital Audio Video Producer

Position: Digital Audio Video Producer

Pets: One dog named Sophie

Favorite candy: Mike&Ikes

Favorite TV show: Real Housewives of New Jersey

Guilty Pleasure: Making my bed

Pet Peeve: People who use incorrect grammar

All content by Meg Cowan

Say ‘No’ to Drive-Thru Ashes

Meg Cowan, Multimedia Editor Feb 15, 2013

The coldest and cloudiest month of them all: February. The most boring and uneventful day of the week: Wednesday. A plain date in the middle of the month: the 13th. But this Wednesday, Feb. 13...

I Scream for Scream Team

I Scream for Scream Team

Meg Cowan, Digital Audio and Video Producer Jan 25, 2013

I first stepped foot onto the glossy gym floor at the Sion vs St. Teresa’s basketball game. I was nine years old, the age where any high school student seemed intimidating yet awe inspiring. Along...

Everything's Going Their Way with Fringe on Top

Everything’s Going Their Way with Fringe on Top

Elizabeth Gianino, Web-Editor-in-Chief Nov 15, 2012

From wooden floors to a dusty plain, it is safe to say that what lies behind the curtains at Sion has transformed to the land just south of the Kansas border. Together, the cast and crew have spent eight...

Food For Thought Skits 2012

Meg Cowan, Digital Audio Video Producer Nov 5, 2012

Student Council members representing each class created skits to enhance the importance of collecting cans for the poor. The skits were performed at the Food for Thought kick-off on Oct. 25. The entire...

Sion’s First Spirit Night

Meg Cowan, Digital Audio Video Producer Sep 14, 2012

Finally. Sion's first Spirit Night as the Storm takes on St. Teresa's Academy in Softball, Tennis, and Volleyball.

Kony 2012: Sion Edition

Meg Cowan, Videographer Apr 10, 2012

In the past month that you have spent lying on the beach over spring break, studying for your Spanish exam, and stressing over your prom dress, 43 children were abducted from their beds at night and forced...

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