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News and Publications of Notre Dame de Sion

Sion Student Media

News and Publications of Notre Dame de Sion

Sion Student Media

News and Publications of Notre Dame de Sion

Sion Student Media

Sarah Allen, Co-Editor-in-Chief

Position: Co-Editor in Chief

Favorite TV show: 30 Rock/Veep

Favorite Pastime: Eating Chik-fil-a

Guilty Pleasure: Footie Pajamas

Favorite Quote: “To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson

All content by Sarah Allen


Sarah Allen, Co-Editor-in-Chief Apr 8, 2014

Twenty-nine girls left the Kansas City Airport on Saturday Mar. 15 searching for new experiences, new relationships, and new outlooks. They didn’t have expectations just excitement for what the next...

Reoccurring Violence

Reoccurring Violence

Sarah Allen, Co-Editor-in-Chief Feb 11, 2014

This past week struck fear into my heart. I’m not referring to the terrifying poetry in-class essay I was forced to write in English class. Nor the possibility of Justin Bieber getting deported. No,...

A Campout With a Cause

A Campout With a Cause

Sarah Allen, Co-editor-in-chief Nov 6, 2013

Girls in gray kilts valiantly  hold cardboard boxes against a 40 degree wind chill trying to piece them together in order to form a sort of shelter. Faculty and a couple girls gather in attempt to build...

All Created Equal

All Created Equal

Sarah Allen, Reporter May 6, 2013

“All men are created equal.” This mere one sentence in the Declaration of Independence has had an immense impact throughout history in hopes of creating equality for all types of people. On Aug....

Truths to be Told about Tanning

Sarah Allen, Reporter Mar 15, 2013

Two weeks before spring break. A high school junior looks in the mirror thinking to herself “I look so pasty.” The next day she is laying in a bed of lights getting her pre-spring break glow. Twenty...

Grab the Candy and Wear the Costume

Grab the Candy and Wear the Costume

Sarah Allen, Reporter Oct 30, 2012

Halloween. The brisk autumn air. Running door to door with friends, trying to make it around the neighborhood at least twice this year. The old pillowcase slowly filling up with a variety of candy. Getting...

All Smiles

All Smiles

Sarah Allen, Reporter Oct 2, 2012

With her bag slung over her shoulder, she opens the door and walks into Sion at 7:30 A.M. She swiftly walks through freshman hallway, briefly stopping to chat with some friends. Turning at the end of...

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