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News and Publications of Notre Dame de Sion

Sion Student Media

News and Publications of Notre Dame de Sion

Sion Student Media

News and Publications of Notre Dame de Sion

Sion Student Media

COVID-19: One Year Later

COVID-19: One Year Later

Morgan Herriott, Print Managing Editor
Apr 13, 2021
While herd immunity is an effective solution to combatting the spread of other diseases, it is not the answer to fighting the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Herd Immunity: A False Promise

Morgan Herriott, Print Managing Editor
Feb 3, 2021
Senior Madi Brown watches the parade in her driveway Saturday April 18.

Celebration Through Quarantine

Ava Stoltz, Print Co-Editor-in-Chief
Apr 22, 2020
COVID-19 Update

COVID-19 Update

Maleah Downton, Web Editor-in-Chief
Apr 12, 2020
President Donald Trump speaking during a press briefing on March 30 relating to the extended stay-home order.

Our New Reality

Emma Hutchin, Photo Editor
Apr 2, 2020
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