Love, Laughter, Chocolate: Mother Daughter 2013

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Dressed to the nines, mothers and their students walked into the mother/daughter luncheon at the Sheraton Crown Center. On Sunday, Sept. 29, students from grades 7 through 12, enjoyed food, fashion, good company and of course, chocolate, which was the theme of this year’s luncheon; Love, Laughter, and Chocolate.

Amongst the crowd was junior Julie Steilen and her mother. The Steilens were one of many families who enjoyed the afternoon in downtown Kansas City.

“It was a really fun afternoon. It’s nice because my mom and I are both very busy, so it’s nice to have this day to put aside and have to ourselves,” Steilen said. “I enjoyed the atmosphere and the food was really good. I only wish the cakes in the middle of the table were real.”

One tradition for this day is the mother/daughter fashion show featuring the seniors. The ladies are all assigned to a variety of shops, from Under the Palm Tree to the Sion Shoppe. They are then fitted in an outfit and asked to model it. The mom and daughter duos strut down the runway to show off the latest trends.

“The fashion show is one of my favorite parts,” sophomore Katie Pendergast said. “All the girls look like they’re having so much fun, and it’s fun to see what they choose to wear, how they model it, and their moves on the runway. The moms always look like they’re having a great time too.”