Spirit Week at a Glance

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Day 1: Celebrities

The air of fame shrouded the halls Monday Oct.1 as students posed as celebrities.   Around every corner were familiar faces that could be found on the cover of “People.”  There were a multitude of outfits from Melissa McCarthy from “Bridesmaids” to America’s most talked about couple, Kimye.  Kim Kardashian and Kanye West.

“Sion turned into the red carpet for a day, and all I can say is we looked good,” Lena Kincaid said.

Juniors Courtney Tushaus and Molly McCarthy dressed as reality star couple West and Kardashian.  Tushaus donned gold shades and a matching gold money necklace.  McCarthy changed her complexion to an olive tone and her hair color from its normal honey blonde, to a dark brown.

“It took like seven minutes of bronzing,” McCarthy said “So I guess it was worth it, a lot of people said they didn’t recognize me.”

McCarthy and Tushaus went so far as to purchase a $12.99 baby doll  from US Toy to represent the power couple’s newborn North.

Day 2: Dodge Ball and Hunger Games

Ten. Nine. Eight. Seven. Six. Five. Four. Three. Two. One. Run. Adrenaline. Hit or be hit. Sion dodge ball. Spirit week. Let the games begin.

This spirit week a new game was introduced for the annual spirit-week game: dodge-ball – Hunger Games theme. It was grade against grade this year, and the seniors won it all.

According to freshman Danielle Ingram, a spectator, it was very enjoyable. Ingram said that it would be a good thing to do again next year because everyone seemed to be having a good time.

A participant in the games, English teacher Casey Engel said that the entire experience was invigorating.

“I love being involved,” Engel said. “My team was ready to win.”

Participating junior Lexi Churchill was also ready to win. She said that class competition brings out competitiveness which is always fun.

“It was a great time,” Churchill said, “and a big adrenaline rush.”

After winning the tournament, the seniors rushed the floor, screaming “seniors rock the house.” The rest of the school looked on at first.  Then the seniors motioned for the rest and the entire student body flooded the floor.

Ingram said that the entire experience showed her that Sion was an extremely spirited school.

“I knew Sion had a lot of spirit but I didn’t know coming here we were going to be doing things that were this fun,” Ingram said. “I guess I just didn’t expect this much spirit.”

Day 3: Holidays 

Deck the Halls; On Wednesday, the school was filled with festive decorations celebrating four major holidays.

The senior hallway echoed Christmas carols and sported santas, snowmen, and glistening lights.

The junior hall played “Party in the USA” by Miley Cyrus on repeat in the midst of patriotic red, white and blue decor.

Pots of gold and streamers of green and orange laced The Commons, and “The Luck of the Irish” was etched on the windows surrounding the sophomore hallway.

Eggs and a giant easter bunny filled the freshman hallway; Easter eggs and green grass blanketed the stairway.

Each class decorated their hallway for spirit week, and the faculty voted on their favorite hall. Each class was designated a different holiday: seniors were Christmas, juniors were 4th of July, sophomores were St. Patrick’s Day and freshmen were Easter.

The winner of the best hallway received 20 spirit points, and the seniors took home the prize.

Not only did the seniors win the best hallway decorations, but the occasion brought them even closer together.

“I was really inspired because our whole class was decorating our hallway at 7 A.M.,” senior Claire Boehm said. “It was really nice to see us come together.”

Day 4: Decade Day

It was the fourth day of Spirit Week, and time for a blast from the past. Whether students dressed up in ‘20s flapper dresses, sported disco boots and peace signs, rocked neon legwarmers, or showed off their mom’s fanny pack and white-washed skinny jeans,Throwback Thursday was a success according to freshman Abby McLiney.

With a ‘20s theme, freshmen dressed up in flapper dresses and McLiney even wore an old suit similar to one shown in “The Great Gatsby”.

“It was my grandpa’s and he got it for about 10 cents not too long ago,” McLiney said.

Fast forward to the ‘70s as sophomores wore hippy sunglasses and tie-dyed shirts to remember the days of disco. Sophomore Anna Demetree said she enjoyed seeing everyone’s costumes and how creative they got.

The Junior Class showed the fashions of the ‘80s with brightly colored windbreakers and parachute pants. Sarah Harris, Lauren Groszek, Elizabeth Shay, Mary B. Freeman, and Courtney Linscott went all out and dressed exactly like the cast from “The Breakfast Club”, a popular ‘80s movie.

“We all chose characters based on what we owned,” Linscott said. “I chose Andrew Clark because I have a slight obsession with him. I loved dressing up as the cast because it is such a classic movie, and we all nailed our characters on the nose.”

Proceed to the ‘90s where seniors wore fanny packs and pastels, bringing students back to the decade they were all born in.

“Their outfits kind of reminded me of shows that I would watch when I was a kid in the ‘90s,” junior Michaela Rupp said. “I think it was kind of a hard time to do just because it wasn’t really that long ago. But I think the seniors and everyone else pulled it off and did a good job of dressing up.”

Day 5: Spirit Shirts 

There might not be a homecoming football game, but there is a spirit week which is highly anticipated. Each day of the week is assigned a different theme, but Friday is given the same theme every year. It’s spirit t-shirt day.

Each student is encouraged to buy a spirit week t-shirt designed by Student Council.  This year three different colors, purple, light purple and light blue, were offered for students to purchase. The front of the shirt read “Do you bleed purple and white” followed by “Then show us” on the backside with a lightning bolt in hand. Senior Class President Moira Quinn said designing the shirt was a challenge because they wanted to print something they knew girls would buy.  Quinn said they wanted to see girls wearing something that truly embodied the Sion spirit.

Stuco’s challenge ended in success as the line was out the lunchroom door Friday morning as anxious students waited to pick up their shirts. Quinn said Stuco is responsible for not only promoting the shirts but also making spirit week as a whole the best it can be.

“It’s our goal to make spirit week the best week of our lives,” Quinn said, “and we wanted everyone to have a shirt to remember that special week.”