Winter Sports Spotlight

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Students cheering. Dance team high-kicking to “Heads Will Roll.” Cheerleaders teaching a new free-throw cheer. Recognition of accomplishments from the fall sports season and introductions of the winter sports teams. Even a free-throw competition with a literal twist. The first pep rally of the new year had all this and more.

 Senior dancer Jackie Meister said she loves performing at pep rallies. She said the team had an awesome performance.

“We love dancing at pep rallies because we love showing the school what we’ve been working on,” Meister said. “Performing for the school is so amazing because of the energy we get from the crowd. There’s nothing like it.”

Senior Julia Balmaceda said the performance by the dance team was the highlight of the pep rally for her.

“I think the dance team inspires the most amount of spirit at Sion,” Balmaceda said. “Whenever they perform I’m instantly on my feet screaming my head off because they are so amazing.”

Another part of the pep rally was presenting the trophies won by the fall sports teams. Seniors from the teams brought the trophies in front of the school to present to the administration.

Senior Mackenzie Manning presented the third place trophy earned by the cross country team this season. She said it was nice to remind the school of everything the team accomplished this year.

“It meant a lot to be able to close it out by presenting our trophy to the school,” Manning said. “I love anything that reminds me of this past season because it just makes me so happy and proud to be part of such a great group of girls.”

Junior Madeleine Campbell also said that she enjoys the pep rallies. She said her favorite part is the performances from the cheer and dance teams.

“The cheer and dance teams are always amazing,” Campbell said. “And I always look forward to the pep rallies.”