Clubs Support Good Causes

  • The line to purchase $1 crepes was out the door Feb. 20 as French club members raised money for Breast Cancer research in honor of survivor and French teacher, Pam Dykes.

  • Senior Maura Healy used French teacher Liz Bono’s crepe maker from Bed Bath & Beyond to make the thin crepes Feb. 20. The crepes sold for $1, and over $130 was raised for Breast Cancer research.

  • Members of French club, junior Ellie Schwartz and senior Maura Healy, worked quickly to raise over $130 for Breast Cancer research by selling crepes during lunch. The crepes sold for $1, and the money raised was in honor of Breast Cancer survivor, French teacher Pam Dykes.

  • Members of French Club, senior Meredith George, junior Ellie Schwartz, and Senior Maura Healy work together to raise money for Breast Cancer research. Healy’s job involved making the crepes out of batter then passing the thin pancakes down to be filled with Nutella, strawberries, and whipped cream.

  • Senior Meredith George works under pressure to fill one of the 130 crepes total that were made by French Club Feb. 20 in raising money for Breast Cancer Research.

  • Senior Amabelle Palomares enjoys her crepe made by French club members Feb. 20.

  • Students had up to three ingredients to choose from for their crepe filling: whipped cream, Nutella, and strawberries.

  • French Club member, senior Maura Healy, makes the delicate crepes out of homemade batter.

  • Junior Ellie Schwartz and senior Maura Healy help French club honor French teacher and survivor Pam Dykes in raising money for Breast Cancer research.

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French Club member, senior Maura Healy, makes the delicate crepes out of homemade batter.
Sophie Nedelco
French Club member, senior Maura Healy, makes the delicate crepes out of homemade batter.
Junior Ellie Schwartz and senior Maura Healy help French club honor French teacher and survivor Pam Dykes in raising money for Breast Cancer research.
Sophie Nedelco
Junior Ellie Schwartz and senior Maura Healy help French club honor French teacher and survivor Pam Dykes in raising money for Breast Cancer research.
Students had up to three ingredients to choose from for their crepe filling: whipped cream, Nutella, and strawberries.
Sophie Nedelco
Students had up to three ingredients to choose from for their crepe filling: whipped cream, Nutella, and strawberries.
Senior Amabelle Palomares enjoys her crepe made by French club members Feb. 20.
Sophie Nedelco
Senior Amabelle Palomares enjoys her crepe made by French club members Feb. 20.
Senior Meredith George works under pressure to fill one of the 130 crepes total that were made by French Club Feb. 20 in raising money for Breast Cancer Research.
Sophie Nedelco
Senior Meredith George works under pressure to fill one of the 130 crepes total that were made by French Club Feb. 20 in raising money for Breast Cancer Research.
Members of French Club, senior Meredith George, junior Ellie Schwartz, and Senior Maura Healy work together to raise money for Breast Cancer research. Healy’s job involved making the crepes out of batter then passing the thin pancakes down to be filled with Nutella, strawberries, and whipped cream.
Sophie Nedelco
Members of French Club, senior Meredith George, junior Ellie Schwartz, and Senior Maura Healy work together to raise money for Breast Cancer research. Healy’s job involved making the crepes out of batter then passing the thin pancakes down to be filled with Nutella, strawberries, and whipped cream.
Members of French club, junior Ellie Schwartz and senior Maura Healy, worked quickly to raise over $130 for Breast Cancer research by selling crepes during lunch. The crepes sold for $1, and the money raised was in honor of Breast Cancer survivor, French teacher Pam Dykes.
Sophie Nedelco
Members of French club, junior Ellie Schwartz and senior Maura Healy, worked quickly to raise over $130 for Breast Cancer research by selling crepes during lunch. The crepes sold for $1, and the money raised was in honor of Breast Cancer survivor, French teacher Pam Dykes.
Senior Maura Healy used French teacher Liz Bono’s crepe maker from Bed Bath & Beyond to make the thin crepes Feb. 20. The crepes sold for $1, and over $130 was raised for Breast Cancer research.
Sophie Nedelco
Senior Maura Healy used French teacher Liz Bono’s crepe maker from Bed Bath & Beyond to make the thin crepes Feb. 20. The crepes sold for $1, and over $130 was raised for Breast Cancer research.
The line to purchase $1 crepes was out the door Feb. 20 as French club members raised money for Breast Cancer research in honor of survivor and French teacher, Pam Dykes.
Sophie Nedelco
The line to purchase $1 crepes was out the door Feb. 20 as French club members raised money for Breast Cancer research in honor of survivor and French teacher, Pam Dykes.