Sion Olypmics Brings Entertainment and Excitement

  • English teacher, Casey Engel represented the faculty in the Faculty vs. Student dodgeball game.

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Sion students participated in friendly and fun competition at the annual Sion Olympics on Friday Feb. 27. Each grade represented a country. Freshmen were Jamaica, sophomores were Mexico, juniors were Ireland and the seniors were the United States of America. Students dressed up and decorated their hallways with the colors and flags of their countries.

The juniors took first place in the hallway decorating competition followed by the seniors in second, sophomores in third and the freshmen finished in last. Each grade spent many hours after school Thursday and before school Friday decorating their hallways.

The Student Council representatives for each grade choreographed dances that went along with the theme of their country. In a spin-off of “The Voice,” they performed these dances in front of the entire school and were judged by Solomon (theology teacher Paul Kramschuster), Blake Shelton (theology teacher Alex Hall), Adam Levine (Latin teacher Kirk Bray), and Shakira (Spanish teacher Leah LaFaver).

After the dances, students were selected to play a special game of musical chairs. It started out as an ordinary game of musical chairs, but after the music stopped, the girls were given a special command that they had to do before taking a seat. One of the commands was find a monogrammed headband. After the participants found it, they were able to rush back to a chair and find a seat. The seniors, represented by Sydney Daniels and Maura Healy, were the winners of this competition.

Next, students who have sisters in school came forward and answered questions about each other to see how well they actually knew their sister. Questions about their most embarrassing moments and nicknames when they were little were just a couple of questions they were asked.
For the last event, faculty members and students participated in a Faculty vs. Student dodgeball game. Students and faculty members chucked balls at each other and fought to stay in the game. Students took the victory.

After all events were tallied, the seniors were announced as the Olympics champions. They celebrated by throwing red, white, and blue confetti in the air. The sophomores finished in second, freshmen in third, and juniors finished last.

English teacher, Casey Engel represented the faculty in the Faculty vs. Student dodgeball game.
English teacher, Casey Engel was determined to help the faculty beat the students during the dodgeball game.
Sophomore Gabbie Ismert and senior Natalie Ismert, answered questions about each other during the sister-sister competition. They answered specific questions about each other’s personalities to earn points for their grades.
Junior Jordan Hermes watches the sophomore class dance.
Sophomore Christy Kentfield ponders the answer to a question asked about her senior sister, Katie Kentfield.
Seniors Jessica Tierney, Lakin Powell and Hannah Ismert, cheer on their classmates during the musical chairs competition.
Freshman Catherine Wilkerson and junior Maddie Kahl snag a chair during the musical chairs competition.
Senior Maura Healy plopped on the last chair to win the musical chair competition for the senior class.
Sophomores Paige Behnken, Katia Hauptmann and Maddie Marquardt perform their Mexico-themed class dance. It was infused with an imitation from the show “Dora, the Explorer.”
Freshman Maddie Young and senior Abbie Young chuckled as they listened to the responses of the sister-sister question and answer.
