Guatemala Gifts Group With Humbling Experience

  • Junior Molly Marx plays with a girl at Los Gozosos orphanage in Chimaltenango, Guatemala. Los Gozosos is an orphanage and school for special needs children.

    PHOTO | Abby Smith
  • Twenty-three students and two teachers hiked around San Andrés Itzapa, Chimaltenango, Guatemala shortly after arriving March 13. The group spent spring break building stoves and chicken coops and visiting the sick and schoolchildren in the city while staying at The Carmelo de Nazareth Convent.

    PHOTO | Abby Smith
  • Twenty-three students and two teachers hiked around San Andrés Itzapa, Chimaltenango, Guatemala shortly after arriving March 13. The group spent spring break building stoves and chicken coops and visiting the sick and schoolchildren in the city while staying at The Carmelo de Nazareth Convent.

    PHOTO | Abby Smith
  • Sophomore Maddie Young and counselor Erin Stein run together through San Andrés Itzapa before breakfast March 14.

    PHOTO | Abby Smith
  • Seniors Sophie Nedelco and Lisbeth Juarez-Lopez mix cement to help build a stove for a family in San Andrés Itzapa.

    PHOTO | Abby Smith
  • Junior Emma Kurtz dumps buckets of dirt into the stove before starting to build the stovetop in San Andrés Itzapa March 14.

    PHOTO | Abby Smith
  • Junior Lydia Allegri gets her hair braided and wrapped by a girl selling woven jewelry at the convent in San Andrés Itzapa.

    PHOTO | Abby Smith
  • Juniors Liz Hayes and Caroline Lawlor pose with girls while visiting a school for special needs children. The children performed songs and dances to welcome the service trip group made up of 23 students and two teachers.

    PHOTO | Abby Smith
  • Junior Liz Hayes dances with one of the boys at the school for special needs children in San Andrés Itzapa, Guatemala on March 15.

    PHOTO | Abby Smith
  • Senior Aree Tomes talks to a blind boy at a school for special needs children in San Andrés Itzapa, Guatemala on March 15. After watching the children perform, the mission trip group split up and visited different classrooms, singing songs and coloring with the children.

    PHOTO | Abby Smith
  • Junior Emma Kurtz blows bubbles with a boy at a school for special needs children in San Andrés Itzapa, Guatemala. The mission trip group organized packs to give to the children that included a t-shirt, bubbles, crayons, coloring books and other supplies.

    PHOTO | Abby Smith
  • Sophomore Lexi Smith celebrates after her team scored a goal during the soccer game in San Andrés Itzapa March 16.

    PHOTO | Abby Smith
  • Juniors Gracie Snider, Ali Odermann and Maddie Young pet a boxer puppy at the orphanage for special needs children, Los Gozosos, while waiting for the children to come outside March 17.

    PHOTO | Abby Smith
  • Juniors Esobel Moore and Emma Kurtz peel the shells off beans from a field of plants. The beans would eventually become coffee beans, but they are not harvested in Guatemala because Brazil dominates the coffee industry. The service trip group explored San Andrés Itzapa shortly after arriving there March 13.

    PHOTO | Abby Smith
  • Sophomore Lexi Smith lets a girl at Los Gozosos play with her arms March 17. Los Gozosos is an orphanage and school for special needs children.

    PHOTO | Abby Smith
  • Senior Aree Tomes holds a girl at Los Gozosos orphanage in Chimaltenango, Guatemala March 17.

    PHOTO | Abby Smith
  • Junior Gracie Snider and her mother, Mona Snider, swing with a girl at Los Gozosos orphanage in Chimaltenango, Guatemala March 17.

    PHOTO | Abby Smith
  • Senior Sam McDonough swings with a girl at Los Gozosos orphanage in Chimaltenango, Guatemala March 17.

    PHOTO | Abby Smith
  • Junior Caroline Lawlor pets Goldie, a dog at Los Gozosos orphanage in Chimaltenango, Guatemala.

    PHOTO | Abby Smith
  • Juniors Lydia Allegri and Esobel Moore sit with a girl at Los Gozosos in Chimaltenango, Guatemala. Los Gozosos is an orphanage and school for special needs children.

    PHOTO | Abby Smith
  • After arriving in San Andrés itzapa, Guatemala, sophomores Maddie Young and Lexi Smith take a selfie in front of the statue at the center of the town March 13.

  • Senior Sam McDonough runs with Tony’s son, Ricky, as they hike around San Andrés Itzapa, Guatemala. Tony helped the service trip group as a translator.

  • Juniors Ali Odermann, Lucy Stofer, Abby Smith and Gracie Snider pose on the roof of the Carmelo de Nazareth convent as they enjoy the sunrise March 18.

  • Senior Maya Visesio deals out cards during free time before Mass at the convent March 17.

  • Senior Sam McDonough visits with the children at Los Gozosos orphanage in Chimaltenango, Guatemala March 17.

  • Spanish teacher Leah LaFaver holds a girl at Los Gozosos orphange in Chimaltenango, Guatemala March 17.

  • Junior Gracie Snider’s mother, Mona Snider, junior Abby Smith and translator Luis Sandoval Aleman play in the soccer game March 17.

  • Senior Maya Visesio and translator Pablo Tagual walk back to the middle of the field after their team scored a goal.

  • Junior Hannah Hawver plays in the soccer game during the spring break service trip to San Andrés Itzapa, Guatemala March 16.

  • Junior Ali Odermann plays in the soccer game during the spring break service trip to San Andrés Itzapa, Guatemala March 16.

  • Junior Gracie Snider plays in the soccer game during the spring break service trip to San Andrés Itzapa, Guatemala March 16.

  • Seniors Lisbeth Juarez-Lopez and Maya Visesio, sophomore Lexi Smith and junior Mackenzie Hutcheson play in the soccer game during the spring break service trip to San Andrés Itzapa, Guatemala March 16.

  • Senior Maya Visesio plays in the soccer game during the spring break service trip to San Andrés Itzapa, Guatemala March 16.

  • Juniors Esobel Moore and Hannah Hawver play with Eddy’s granddaughter at the convent after returning from building stoves in San Andrés Itzapa March 15.

  • Junior Marielle Allen rides a horse after building a stove for a family in San Andrés Itzapa March 15. The horse belonged to Eddy, the mason.

  • Junior Emma Kurtz rides horse after building a stove for a family in San Andrés Itzapa, Guatemala. The horse belonged to Eddy, the mason.

  • Junior Liz Hayes rides a horse after building a stove for a family March 15. The horse belonged to Eddy, the mason.

  • Junior Lydia Allegri rides a horse after building a stove for a family March 15. The horse belonged to Eddy, the mason.

  • After a fire was set under the stovetop, a woman watches as smoke successfully rises out of the chimney. After the mortar dries between the stove bricks, the mason will go back and add another piece to the chimney to allow the smoke to flow out of the roof. The black soot covering the walls indicates that this family’s earlier methods of cooking did not allow the smoke to be ventilated out, sickening the woman pictured.

  • Father Sunoj Thomas poses with his bracelet made for him by girls that were selling woven jewelry at the convent. Throughout the week, Father Thomas insisted on being called “Padre Swag” while joining the groups visiting the sick, building chicken coops and stoves and playing with special needs schoolchildren and orphans. He led daily Mass at 6:15 p.m. in a mixture of Spanish and English.

  • Father Sunoj Thomas and sophomore Maddie Young pose with Madre Marina Prado at the Carmelo de Nazareth convent in San Andrés Itzapa.

  • While on the spring break service trip to San Andrés Itzapa, Guatemala, a group finishes building their chicken coop by stapling the chicken wire around the sides.

  • Alumna Maddie Young ’18 nails the roof onto the chicken coop March 15, 2018 during the service trip to San Andrés Itzapa, Guatemala.

  • Junior Emma Kurtz holds the wood steady as her group builds a chicken coop March 15.

  • Junior Abby Smith plays with a girl from one of the families for whom she was helping build a stove March 14.

  • Junior Rachel Doctor plays with a girl from one of the families for whom she was helping build a stove March 14.

  • Twenty-three students and 2 teachers traveled to San Andrés Itzapa, Chimaltenango, Guatemala over spring break to build stoves and chicken coops for the community. On the first day, March 13, they were lead on a tour of the town by one of the translators helping the group.

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Twenty-three students, Spanish teacher Leah LaFaver, counselor Erin Stein and Father Sunoj Thomas traveled to San Andrés Itzapa, Chimaltenango, Guatemala to participate in a service trip over spring break March 13- 18.

After taking a bus from the airport in Guatemala City, the group took a hike around the town led by Saint Thomas More parishioner Phil Smith, who organized the trip, and Tony, one of the translators. The group stayed at the convent Carmelo de Nazareth, attending daily Mass, eating and visiting with the Carmelite sisters.

“Since the first time I went back [to Guatemala after moving to the U.S.], I’ve loved it more and more. Any opportunity I get to go back, I always take it,” senior Lisbeth Juarez-Lopez said. “I’ve always been interested in my culture, and I’ve always loved being a part of my culture and exploring my country. They’re my people. They have a special place in heart.”

Throughout the week, the students split up into smaller groups to build stoves and chicken coops for families as well as visit the sick. They also organized school supplies and donations to give to children at a school for special needs children and visited Los Gozosos, an orphanage for children with special needs. They also took a trip to Antigua, Guatemala to shop and explore the city.

According to sophomore Lexi Smith, she enjoyed forming relationships with the families through meeting and visiting with them. 

“Going on the trip really changed my views because it was really the first time I had seen such extreme poverty, but it was also so inspiring because the Guatemalans were all the friendliest and happiest people I had ever met,” Smith said. “So it really made me truly grateful for all that I have and changed my view on what’s important in life.”

Twenty-three students and 2 teachers traveled to San Andrés Itzapa, Chimaltenango, Guatemala over spring break to build stoves and chicken coops for the community. On the first day, March 13, they were lead on a tour of the town by one of the translators helping the group.
Sophie Nedelco
Twenty-three students and two teachers traveled to San Andrés Itzapa, Chimaltenango, Guatemala over spring break to build stoves and chicken coops for the community. On the first day, March 13, they were lead on a tour of the town by one of the translators helping the group.
Junior Rachel Doctor plays with a girl from one of the families for whom she was helping build a stove March 14.
Sophie Nedelco
Junior Rachel Doctor plays with a girl from one of the families for whom she was helping build a stove March 14.
Junior Abby Smith plays with a girl from one of the families for whom she was helping build a stove March 14.
Sophie Nedelco
Junior Abby Smith plays with a girl from one of the families for whom she was helping build a stove March 14.
Junior Emma Kurtz holds the wood steady as her group builds a chicken coop March 15.
Sophie Nedelco
Junior Emma Kurtz holds the wood steady as her group builds a chicken coop March 15.
Sophomore Maddie Young nails the roof onto the chicken coop March 15 during the service trip to San Andrés Itzapa, Guatemala.
Sophie Nedelco
Sophomore Maddie Young nails the roof onto the chicken coop March 15 during the service trip to San Andrés Itzapa, Guatemala.
While on the spring break service trip to San Andrés Itzapa, Guatemala, a group finishes building their chicken coop by stapling the chicken wire around the sides.
Sophie Nedelco
While on the spring break service trip to San Andrés Itzapa, Guatemala, a group finishes building their chicken coop by stapling the chicken wire around the sides.
Father Sunoj Thomas and sophomore Maddie Young pose with Madre Marina Prado at the Carmelo de Nazareth convent in San Andrés Itzapa.
Sophie Nedelco
Father Sunoj Thomas and sophomore Maddie Young pose with Madre Marina Prado at the Carmelo de Nazareth convent in San Andrés Itzapa.
Father Sunoj Thomas poses with his bracelet made for him by girls that were selling woven jewelry at the convent. Throughout the week, Father Thomas insisted on being called "Padre Swag" while joining the groups visiting the sick, building chicken coops and stoves and playing with special needs schoolchildren and orphans. He led daily Mass at 6:15 p.m. in a mixture of Spanish and English.
Sophie Nedelco
Father Sunoj Thomas poses with his bracelet made for him by girls that were selling woven jewelry at the convent. Throughout the week, Father Thomas insisted on being called “Padre Swag” while joining the groups visiting the sick, building chicken coops and stoves and playing with special needs schoolchildren and orphans. He led daily Mass at 6:15 p.m. in a mixture of Spanish and English.
After a fire was set under the stovetop, a woman watches as smoke successfully rises out of the chimney. After the mortar dries between the stove bricks, the mason will go back and add another piece to the chimney to allow the smoke to flow out of the roof. The black soot covering the walls indicates that this family's earlier methods of cooking did not allow the smoke to be ventilated out, sickening the woman pictured.
Sophie Nedelco
After a fire was set under the stovetop, a woman watches as smoke successfully rises out of the chimney. After the mortar dries between the stove bricks, the mason will go back and add another piece to the chimney to allow the smoke to flow out of the roof. The black soot covering the walls indicates that this family’s earlier methods of cooking did not allow the smoke to be ventilated out, sickening the woman pictured.
Junior Lydia Allegri rides Eddy's, the mason, horse after building a stove for a family March 15.
Sophie Nedelco
Junior Lydia Allegri rides a horse after building a stove for a family March 15. The horse belonged to Eddy, the mason.
Junior Liz Hayes rides Eddy's, the mason, horse after building a stove for a family March 15.
Sophie Nedelco
Junior Liz Hayes rides a horse after building a stove for a family March 15. The horse belonged to Eddy, the mason.
Junior Emma Kurtz rides Eddy's, the mason, horse after building a stove for a family in San Andrés Itzapa, Guatemala.
Sophie Nedelco
Junior Emma Kurtz rides a horse after building a stove for a family in San Andrés Itzapa, Guatemala. The horse belonged to Eddy, the mason.
Junior Marielle Allen rides Eddy's, the mason, horse after building a stove for a family in San Andrés Itzapa March 15.
Sophie Nedelco
Junior Marielle Allen rides a horse after building a stove for a family in San Andrés Itzapa March 15. The horse belonged to Eddy, the mason.
Juniors Esobel Moore and Hannah Hawver play with Eddy's, the mason, granddaughter at the convent after returning from building stoves in San Andrés Itzapa March 15.
Sophie Nedelco
Juniors Esobel Moore and Hannah Hawver play with the granddaughter of Eddy the mason at the convent after returning from building stoves in San Andrés Itzapa March 15.
Senior Maya Visesio plays in the soccer game during the spring break service trip to San Andrés Itzapa, Guatemala March 16.
Sophie Nedelco
Senior Maya Visesio plays in the soccer game during the spring break service trip to San Andrés Itzapa, Guatemala March 16.
Seniors Lisbeth Juarez-Lopez and Maya Visesio, sophomore Lexi Smith and junior Mackenzie Hutcheson play in the soccer game during the spring break service trip to San Andrés Itzapa, Guatemala March 16.
Sophie Nedelco
Seniors Lisbeth Juarez-Lopez and Maya Visesio, sophomore Lexi Smith and junior Mackenzie Hutcheson play in the soccer game during the spring break service trip to San Andrés Itzapa, Guatemala March 16.
Junior Gracie Snider plays in the soccer game during the spring break service trip to San Andrés Itzapa, Guatemala March 16.
Sophie Nedelco
Junior Gracie Snider plays in the soccer game during the spring break service trip to San Andrés Itzapa, Guatemala March 16.
Junior Ali Odermann plays in the soccer game during the spring break service trip to San Andrés Itzapa, Guatemala March 16.
Sophie Nedelco
Junior Ali Odermann plays in the soccer game during the spring break service trip to San Andrés Itzapa, Guatemala March 16.
Junior Hannah Hawver plays in the soccer game during the spring break service trip to San Andrés Itzapa, Guatemala March 16.
Sophie Nedelco
Junior Hannah Hawver plays in the soccer game during the spring break service trip to San Andrés Itzapa, Guatemala March 16.
Senior Maya Visesio and translator Pablo Tagual walk back to the middle of the field after their team scored a goal.
Sophie Nedelco
Senior Maya Visesio and translator Pablo Tagual walk back to the middle of the field after their team scored a goal.
Junior Gracie Snider's mother, Mona Snider, junior Abby Smith and translator Luis Sandoval Aleman play in the soccer game March 17.
Sophie Nedelco
Junior Gracie Snider’s mother, Mona Snider, junior Abby Smith and translator Luis Sandoval Aleman play in the soccer game March 17.
Spanish teacher Leah LaFaver holds a girl at Los Gozosos orphange in Chimaltenango, Guatemala March 17.
Sophie Nedelco
Spanish teacher Leah LaFaver holds a girl at Los Gozosos orphange in Chimaltenango, Guatemala March 17.
Senior Sam McDonough visits with the children at Los Gozosos orphanage in Chimaltenango, Guatemala March 17.
Sophie Nedelco
Senior Sam McDonough visits with the children at Los Gozosos orphanage in Chimaltenango, Guatemala March 17.
Senior Maya Visesio deals out cards during free time before Mass at the convent March 17.
Sophie Nedelco
Senior Maya Visesio deals out cards during free time before Mass at the convent March 17.
Juniors Ali Odermann, Lucy Stofer, Abby Smith and Gracie Snider pose on the roof of the Carmelo de Nazareth convent as they enjoy the sunrise March 18.
Sophie Nedelco
Juniors Ali Odermann, Lucy Stofer, Abby Smith and Gracie Snider pose on the roof of the Carmelo de Nazareth convent as they enjoy the sunrise March 18.
Senior Sam McDonough runs with Tony's son, Ricky, as they hike around San Andrés Itzapa, Guatemala. Tony helped the service trip group as a translator.
Sophie Nedelco
Senior Sam McDonough runs with Tony’s son, Ricky, as they hike around San Andrés Itzapa, Guatemala. Tony helped the service trip group as a translator.
After arriving in San Andrés itzapa, Guatemala, sophomores Maddie Young and Lexi Smith take a selfie in front of the statue at the center of the town March 13.
Sophie Nedelco
After arriving in San Andrés itzapa, Guatemala, sophomores Maddie Young and Lexi Smith take a selfie in front of the statue at the center of the town March 13.
Juniors Lydia Allegri and Esobel Moore sit with a girl at Los Gozosos in Chimaltenango, Guatemala. Los Gozosos is an orphanage and school for special needs children.
Abby Smith
Juniors Lydia Allegri and Esobel Moore sit with a girl at Los Gozosos in Chimaltenango, Guatemala. Los Gozosos is an orphanage and school for special needs children.
Junior Caroline Lawlor pets Goldie, a dog at Los Gozosos orphanage in Chimaltenango, Guatemala.
Abby Smith
Junior Caroline Lawlor pets Goldie, a dog at Los Gozosos orphanage in Chimaltenango, Guatemala.
Senior Sam McDonough swings with a girl at Los Gozosos orphanage in Chimaltenango, Guatemala March 17.
Abby Smith
Senior Sam McDonough swings with a girl at Los Gozosos orphanage in Chimaltenango, Guatemala March 17.
Junior Gracie Snider and her mother, Mona Snider, swing with a girl at Los Gozosos orphanage in Chimaltenango, Guatemala March 17.
Abby Smith
Junior Gracie Snider and her mother, Mona Snider, swing with a girl at Los Gozosos orphanage in Chimaltenango, Guatemala March 17.
Senior Aree Tomes holds a girl at Los Gozosos orphanage in Chimaltenango, Guatemala March 17.
Abby Smith
Senior Aree Tomes holds a girl at Los Gozosos orphanage in Chimaltenango, Guatemala March 17.
Sophomore Lexi Smith lets a girl at Los Gozosos play with her arms March 17. Los Gozosos is an orphanage and school for special needs children.
Abby Smith
Sophomore Lexi Smith lets a girl at Los Gozosos play with her arms March 17. Los Gozosos is an orphanage and school for special needs children.
Juniors Esobel Moore and Emma Kurtz peel the shells off beans from a field of plants. The beans would eventually become coffee beans, but they are not harvested in Guatemala because Brazil dominates the coffee industry. The service trip group explored San Andrés Itzapa shortly after arriving there March 13.
Abby Smith
Juniors Esobel Moore and Emma Kurtz peel the shells off beans from a field of plants. The beans would eventually become coffee beans, but they are not harvested in Guatemala because Brazil dominates the coffee industry. The service trip group explored San Andrés Itzapa shortly after arriving there March 13.
Juniors Gracie Snider, Ali Odermann and Maddie Young pet a boxer puppy at the orphanage for special needs children, Los Gozosos, while waiting for the children to come outside March 17.
Abby Smith
Juniors Gracie Snider, Ali Odermann and Maddie Young pet a boxer puppy at the orphanage for special needs children, Los Gozosos, while waiting for the children to come outside March 17.
Sophomore Lexi Smith celebrates after her team scored a goal during the soccer game in San Andrés Itzapa March 16.
Abby Smith
Sophomore Lexi Smith celebrates after her team scored a goal during the soccer game in San Andrés Itzapa March 16.
Junior Emma Kurtz blows bubbles with a boy at a school for special needs children in San Andrés Itzapa, Guatemala. The mission trip group organized packs to give to the children that included a t-shirt, bubbles, crayons, coloring books and other supplies.
Abby Smith
Junior Emma Kurtz blows bubbles with a boy at a school for special needs children in San Andrés Itzapa, Guatemala. The mission trip group organized packs to give to the children that included a t-shirt, bubbles, crayons, coloring books and other supplies.
Senior Aree Tomes talks to a blind boy at a school for special needs children in San Andrés Itzapa, Guatemala on March 15. After watching the children perform, the mission trip group split up and visited different classrooms, singing songs and coloring with the children.
Abby Smith
Senior Aree Tomes talks to a blind boy at a school for special needs children in San Andrés Itzapa, Guatemala on March 15. After watching the children perform, the mission trip group split up and visited different classrooms, singing songs and coloring with the children.
Junior Liz Hayes dances with one of the boys at the school for special needs children in San Andrés Itzapa, Guatemala on March 15.
Abby Smith
Junior Liz Hayes dances with one of the boys at the school for special needs children in San Andrés Itzapa, Guatemala on March 15.
Juniors Liz Hayes and Caroline Lawlor pose with girls while visiting a school for special needs children. The children performed songs and dances to welcome the service trip group made up of 23 students and two teachers.
Abby Smith
Juniors Liz Hayes and Caroline Lawlor pose with girls while visiting a school for special needs children. The children performed songs and dances to welcome the service trip group made up of 23 students and two teachers.
Junior Lydia Allegri gets her hair braided and wrapped by a girl selling woven jewelry at the convent in San Andrés Itzapa.
Abby Smith
Junior Lydia Allegri gets her hair braided and wrapped by a girl selling woven jewelry at the convent in San Andrés Itzapa.
Junior Emma Kurtz dumps buckets of dirt into the stove before starting to build the stovetop in San Andrés Itzapa March 14.
Abby Smith
Junior Emma Kurtz dumps buckets of dirt into the stove before starting to build the stovetop in San Andrés Itzapa March 14.
Seniors Sophie Nedelco and Lisbeth Juarez-Lopez mix cement to help build a stove for a family in San Andrés Itzapa.
Abby Smith
Seniors Sophie Nedelco and Lisbeth Juarez-Lopez mix cement to help build a stove for a family in San Andrés Itzapa.
Sophomore Maddie Young and counselor Erin Stein run together through San Andrés Itzapa before breakfast March 14.
Abby Smith
Sophomore Maddie Young and counselor Erin Stein run together through San Andrés Itzapa before breakfast March 14.
Twenty-three students and two teachers hiked around San Andrés Itzapa, Chimaltenango, Guatemala shortly after arriving March 13. The group spent spring break building stoves and chicken coops and visiting the sick and schoolchildren in the city while staying at The Carmelo de Nazareth Convent.
Abby Smith
Twenty-three students and two teachers hiked around San Andrés Itzapa, Chimaltenango, Guatemala shortly after arriving March 13. The group spent spring break building stoves and chicken coops and visiting the sick and schoolchildren in the city while staying at The Carmelo de Nazareth Convent.
Twenty-three students and two teachers hiked around San Andrés Itzapa, Chimaltenango, Guatemala shortly after arriving March 13. The group spent spring break building stoves and chicken coops and visiting the sick and schoolchildren in the city while staying at The Carmelo de Nazareth Convent.
Abby Smith
Twenty-three students and two teachers hiked around San Andrés Itzapa, Chimaltenango, Guatemala shortly after arriving March 13. The group spent spring break building stoves and chicken coops and visiting the sick and schoolchildren in the city while staying at The Carmelo de Nazareth Convent.
Junior Molly Marx plays with a girl at Los Gozosos orphanage in Chimaltenango, Guatemala. Los Gozosos is an orphanage and school for special needs children.
Abby Smith
Junior Molly Marx plays with a girl at Los Gozosos orphanage in Chimaltenango, Guatemala. Los Gozosos is an orphanage and school for special needs children.