Father Daughter Grandfather Mass Photo Gallery

Fathers and grandfathers were invited to celebrate Mass with their daughters and granddaughters Nov. 1.

  • Seniors Jade Harvey, Taylor Ramsey and Anna Oliphant lead the choir for the service as cantors.

  • Symphonie members sophomore Anna Herbst, senior ZoĆ« Mulkey and junior Lucy Steyer join in the Communion song “Blest Are They.”

  • Music Director Elizabeth Mulkey leads a choir of both students and faculty at the Nov. 1 Father Daughter Grandfather Mass.

  • Father Jerry Waris lifts the Host before offering the congregation to come forward to receive Communion.

  • Junior Kaitlin Dervin receives the Eucharist from sophomore Libby Kramer.

  • Donuts and coffee were available to freshmen and their guests in the South Six following Mass, as enjoyed by freshman Kate Fitzgerald.

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