Tuesday Talks With Tomka: A Serious Case of Senioritis
As the school year draws to a close, I struggle to finish strong.
PHOTO | Kelly Nugent
Senior Anna Tomka struggles to finish the school year strong knowing she is headed to Creighton University in the fall.
Are you sleeping in every morning and showing up late to class? Are you watching Netflix instead of completing assignments? Have you stopped studying for tests? Have you stopped writing your essays? Do you no longer care about anything related to school? If any of these apply to you, it is safe to say you have senioritis. Don’t worry, because you are not alone. It’s April and senioritis has become a ruthless pandemic that has infected the majority of the senior class.
The turning point for me, and when I truly realized I was suffering from senioritis, was when I had finished receiving my college letters of acceptance. After the strenuous process of picking between schools, I finally settled on Creighton University. Now that I’m college bound and my GPA isn’t a life or death crisis, I’ve given up trying to perform well in school. My level of motivation is dipping dangerously.
Even though my mom encourages me to “finish strong” I cannot seem to shake the urge to be downright lazy. I spend my nights watching miscellaneous YouTube videos or Netflix instead of reading Hamlet and solving math equations. Getting out of bed for school in the morning is a chore in itself, and I push snooze at least four times before stumbling up to find my school uniform crumpled in a ball. At lunchtime almost every day, I check out with my friends and think about never coming back.
The thought of taking finals in two weeks makes me sick to my stomach. How can I think about studying for those when I haven’t even completed my online American Government class that I’ve been enrolled in since July? I have now paid for three extensions for that class. That’s pretty pathetic. I feel like I can barely even write this blog.
A slap in the face is what I need at this point. I have to snap out of this senior slump and power through these last few weeks of classes.I have worked too hard these past four years to give up now. Thinking about summer on the horizon only stimulates my senioritis, and that’s why I have to keep my thoughts on school for a little longer. It’s time for me to put down my laptop and pick up my English book.