Sophomores Olivia Overlease and Grace Hill laugh while enjoying their lunch with their friends during spirit week in their Kidz Bop attire Sept. 19. The theme for the day was musical genres.
Seniors Sarah Tappan and Emma Cruciani discuss an assignment in AP Environmental Science dressed in rock & roll outfits for spirit week Sept. 19.
Dressed for the sophomore’s Kidz Bop theme of music genre day of spirit week, Sophomore Violet Tumlin checks her phone in the commons during her study hall. Each grade was assigned a different genre for the day. Freshmen were country, sophomores were Kidz Bob, juniors were disco, seniors were rock & roll and the faculty was 80’s.
Freshman Julia Norman and Kate Accardo laugh at a joke told from across the table during lunch dressed as the freshman theme of country on music genre day of spirit week Sept. 19.
Dressed in disco outfits, juniors Reilly Jackoboice and Felicia Knox walk to class together on the music genre themed day Sept. 19. Freshmen were country, sophomores were Kidz Bob, juniors were disco, seniors were rock & roll and the faculty was 80’s.
Sophomores Olivia Overlease and Grace Hill laugh while enjoying their lunch with their friends during spirit week in their Kidz Bop attire Sept. 19. The theme for the day was musical genres.
Juniors Rachel Heueisen and Ceresa Munjak-Khoury laugh at each other’s disco outfits in Board Games club Sept. 19. The theme for the day of spirit week was musical genres. Freshmen were country, sophomores were Kidz Bob, juniors were disco, seniors were rock & roll and the faculty was 80’s.
Pulling up her headband, junior Chloe Meisel puts the final touches on her disco-themed outfit in her first hour class Sept. 19. The theme for that day was musical genres. Freshmen were country, sophomores were Kidz Bob, juniors were disco, seniors were rock & roll and the faculty was 80’s.
Sophomore Laila Foy concentrates as she finishes tying a bright bow into the ponytail of sophomore Grace Riley for the sophomore’s Kidz Bop theme for spirit week Sept. 19.
Dressed up as country music for spirit week, freshman Lydia Poe searches for volunteer opportunities on her laptop during Alive for All Life club Sept. 19.