Throwback Thursday: Fall Sports Pep Assembly

PHOTO | Kamryn Rogers

Senior Executive Captain Kristen Rogge directs her team during the dance that she choreographed along with the other senior executives, at the pep assembly Sept. 6. 

Relive the Fall Sports Pep Assembly Sept. 6 for throwback Thursday.

  • During the pep assembly Sept. 6, sophomore Matia Ianni performs a stunt in the cheer team performance.

  • Junior Caroline Knopke performs with the cheer team at the pep assembly Sept. 6.

  • Junior Brooke Walker and freshmen Katy Gromowsky, Lauren Ellwanger and Elizabeth Nordhous prepare to start playing dodgeball at the pep assembly Sept. 6. Gromowsky went on to win the competition.

  • Sophomore Zoe Zorn aims to hit an opposing player during the dodgeball game at the pep assembly Sept. 6.

  • Sophomore Lorelei Mathews readies to throw a ball at her freshmen and junior opponent during the dodge ball game at the pep assembly Sept. 6.

  • Sophomore Abbie Sinow and senior Lily Muehlebach waited for the music to start before the dance team performance at the pep assembly Sept. 6.

  • Senior Executive Captain Kristen Rogge directs her team during the dance that she choreographed along with the other senior executives, at the pep assembly Sept. 6. 

  • At the pep assembly Sept. 6, senior co-captain Chandler Rawson dances to the song “Roots” during the dance performance she choreographed with the other senior executives. 

  • Junior Libby Slaymaker waits for the song “Roots” to begin before the dance team performance at the pep assembly Sept. 6.

  • Junior Anna Ferker sings along to the school song at the end of the pep assembly Sept. 6.

  • At the end of the pep assembly Sept. 6, freshman Bridgette Conner sings the school song along with her fellow classmates. 

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