Spirit Week Day 2: Area 51

For the second day of Spirit Week, students dressed as aliens and extraterrestrial creatures for the Area 51 themed day Sept. 10.


  • Senior peer ministers posed for a group picture in the Grande Salle Sept. 10, following this year’s first peer ministry lunch. For the second day of Spirit Week, students dressed in Area 51-themed costumes.

  • Sophomore Liesel Riffe heads to class dressed in an alien shirt for Spirit Week’s Area 51 theme Sept. 10.

  • Dressed in a pink metallic shirt, junior Mattie Mills chats with sophomore Tyra Frazier in between classes Sept. 10. The day’s Spirit Week theme was Area 51.

  • Senior Stephanie Vince checks her phone before her second-hour class Sept. 10. As the second day of Spirit Week, students dressed in Area 51 themed outfits.

  • Sporting a neon purple wig, Scream Team leader senior Grace Parrott conversed with classmates after class Sept. 10. As the second day of Spirit Week, students dressed in Area 51-themed costumes.

  • Arriving to her second-hour class, senior Sophia Angrisano chats with her classmates Sept. 10. The day’s Spirit Week theme was Area 51.

  • Senior Elyse Makar showed off her Star Trek replica alien head to the class Sept 10. Makar brought it to school in coordination with the Spirit Week theme Area 51.

  • Glitter and sparkles veil senior Cristina Peters’ face. For the second day of Spirit Week Sept. 10, students dressed in alien attire for the Area 51 theme.

  • Dressed in silver metalic and green neon, Senior Holly Frey gathered in the Grande Salle for a meeting following the first peer ministry lunch Sept. 10. The Spirit Week theme for the day was Area 51.

  • Dressed in her NASA outfit, Senior Reilly Jackoboice heads to class Sept. 10. As the second day of Spirit Week, students dressed in costume for the Area 51 theme.

  • On her way to class, freshman Teamaurie Grimes eats Flamin’ Hot Funyuns Sept. 10. For the second day of Spirit Week, the theme was Area 51.

  • Seniors Helen Willis and Lauren Mead pose for a photo to show off their Area 51-themed costumes Sept. 10.

  • With glow-in-the-dark sticks draped around her neck, Senior Rose Orrick talks with classmates before her creative writing class Sept. 10. The Spirit Week theme for the day was Area 51.

  • Dressed in yellow, pink and blue neon colors, senior Lily Henkle converses with peers before class Sept. 10. Students dressed in Area 51-themed costumes for the second day of Spirit Week.

  • Sporting rhinestones and alien-themed buns, senior Molly O’Keefe sits in her English class Sept. 10. The day’s Spirit Week theme was Area 51.

  • In her Area 51 themed outfit, Senior Helen Willis takes a selfie before class Sept. 10.

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