Reunited Sisterhood

New teachers and former classmates, Valerie Crook ’13 and Mary Humphrey ’13 connect again through teaching.

PHOTO | submitted by Valerie Crook

Humphry and Crook went deep sea fishing shortly after they graduated in 2013.

Publications teacher Valerie Crook and math teacher Mary Humphrey graduated 2013 and rekindled their sisterhood as they now teach at the high school they once attended together.

Mary and I have known each other pretty much since we started as freshman in 2009,” Crook said. “But we didn’t get closer until we became upperclassmen.”

Crook and Humphry never really crossed paths until the later years of their high school careers due to exploring the options that their school provided, such as clubs, activities, and dances where they met various peers according to Crook. They later connected through classes and being in a common friend group.

The graduating class of 2013, including teachers Mary Humphry and Valerie Crook, carved pumpkins with their class to honor their grade.


“In high school we had a rather large group of loud personalities,” Crook said. “We hung out at lunch, attended pre-dance dinners and all the other typical Sion stuff.”

Humphrey and Crook were opposites; Humphrey liked sciences and volleyball and Crook stuck with english and art, but they both bonded over english teacher Melissa Wilcox’s AP English IV class according to Crook. Despite the differences in personality, the two spent time together during school free periods, free time on the weekend and driving to school together.

“I went to Saint Louis University and Mary went to Notre Dame,” Crook said. “We didn’t really keep in touch beyond social media and occasionally catching up over breaks.”

The classmates split up after taking a final vacation to Florida after high school graduation. They went their separate ways to college with some communication, but still kept touch from time to time.

“The days when I get to sneak down to the ‘dungeon’ to eat lunch with Val are some of my favorites,” Humphrey said. “We’re resurrecting that sarcastic giggly duo and getting to do it while supporting students, like we were supported.”

Humphry and Crook took a trip with their classmate Elizabeth Gianino to Cocoa Beach, Florida shortly after graduation. (submitted by Mary Humphrey)

The two bond over moments they remember from school that they witness from day to day that their students are now living out. They reminisce on bringing in truckloads of cans for Food for Thought, their senior polos, the condition of their junior rings, and graduation dresses according to Crook.

“The thing about your Sion friendships – there’s often so much room to grow but you always have that sisterhood sort of connection,” Crook said.