Why I Chose State School Over Private School

Although I had dreams of going far away for college, here’s why I chose my state school.

PHOTO | Catherine Crayon

The University of Missouri holds the title of the first journalism school in America.

Choosing a path to follow is something every senior in high school has to endure. We have to essentially plan out the rest of our lives within the period of eight months. Although I grew up having big aspirations to go across the country after high school and leave everyone in my dust, I recently decided to go to the University of Missouri in Columbia, Missouri- about 3 hours away from my house.

Although I couldn’t enter academic buildings because of COVID policies, I still loved the campus and spent the afternoon walking around the city with my mom. (submitted by Catherine Crayon)

You might be asking yourself the same question I have asked myself during the admissions process, “If you wanted to distance yourself so far from home, what changed your mind?” Well, when I was a freshman and sophomore, I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life. Being someone who doesn’t like the unknown or unplanned, I decided to go to a journalism camp at KU the summer before my junior year. I knew I excelled in my English classes so I decided to apply for Le Journal, this very newsmagazine. At this summer camp, I was given the chance to hear about the careers of those who graduated with a journalism major and it was shocking how many kinds of careers can come from one major. That’s when I knew I wanted to major in Journalism. So, I came home from camp that summer and immediately searched the top journalism schools in the country. I saw New York, Chicago, California, and Columbia, Missouri. Absolutely shocked, I realized that Mizzou was coined not only the 2nd best journalism school but they opened the first journalism school in the nation

I visited Mizzou for the first time on September 25, 2020. (submitted by Catherine Crayon)

Growing up in a Jayhawk household, it was nearly in my genes to hate the Tigers but the more I learned about it, the more I loved it. After talking with my parents, I found out my family and I had saved up enough money for me to attend an in-state public school and have the opportunity to graduate with no student debt. That was a huge deal. All of the money we had set up can fulfill my tuition and school needs and I’d still have money available to enjoy it. So, I put all my eggs in one basket and applied solely to the Missouri School of Journalism. Three days later, I was admitted.

Although I dreamed of going to far away places for college, I couldn’t be more happy with my decision and I grew to love Mizzou and Columbia, Missouri. I’m so excited to take on this new chapter in my life. I just have to graduate first.